The year 2002 may have been slow for some, but Long & Foster realtor Nancy Itteilagbroke her previous record with the sale of the four-bedroom, four-story Victoriantownhouse at 1336 Corcoran Street, N.W. At $950,000, the historic home with itsbeautifully renovated New York-style contemporary interior and rooftop deck, sold formore than any other residential property in Logan Circle. The buyer was ChristopherKahill. The duly-rewarded sellers were Rebecca Fishman and developer Henry Harris,who now reside at 3512 Reservoir Road, N.W. Itteilag wasalso the selling agent for the Reservoir Road property, which, with a price tagof $1,175,000, set yet another 2002 sales record, this time for the Cloisters neighborhood ofGeorgetown�s Upper West Village. The imposing four-story brick Colonial is one of the originalDonahoe homes built in 1980. It features outstanding craftsmanship, an elevator, alarge lot with a lily pond and space to park up to five vehicles. The sellers wereBeatrice Coyne, a realtor with Sotheby�s International Affiliate Washington FineProperties, and her husband Patrick, who are now headed for retirement in Florida. 
4217 Lenore lane, N.W.New owners are also in residence at 3042 P Street, N.W. in Georgetown,the house John and Kim Cutler owned before moving to Mary ChapinCarpenter�s old house at 1530 29th Street, N.W. The Cutler�s former P Streetresidence now belongs to Veronica Pastor and her husband Francis J.Skrobiszewski. The couple recently arrived here from London where Mr.Skrobiszewski was the senior vice president of the Hungarian InnovationTechnology Fund. Despite the transatlantic move, Mr. Skrobiszewski isno stranger to our area. He attended Virginia Polytechnic Institute inBlacksburg, Virginia, assisted the first Bush White House with its strategyfor economic transformation in Poland and served for many years as presidentof the Hungarian-American Enterprise Fund. His new Victorian-style residence inGeorgetown was built in 1867. Highlights include a second storylibrary with floor-to-ceiling windows and a third level master bedroom suitecomplete with a Jacuzzi and balcony overlooking a private walled garden.Coldwell Banker/Pardoes� Nancy Taylor Bubes listed the property at $850,000. New York/D.C. socialite and novelist Jane Stanton Hitchcock hasassumed ownership of 3028 Q Street, N.W. following the transfer of the$2.5 million mansion from her mother Joan Alexander Stanton, once oneof New York�s top radio actresses. In Washington circles, Jane is perhapsbest known as the author of �Social Crimes,� a tale of money and murderin Manhattan published last year, and as the wife of Washington Post associate editor/seniorforeign correspondent, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist, James Hoagland. Ms. Hitchcock is alsothe former wife of a cousin of Paul Mellon�s, William Mellon Hitchcock. �Billy,�as he is commonly known, was a 1960�s disciple of Timothy Leary and co-ownerof the 55-room, 19th century mansion on 2,500 acres in Millbrook, New York,that the former Harvard professor once used as a psychedelic research center.Billy�s father was one of America�s premier polo hall-of-famers, Olympic medalistThomas A. Hitchcock, Jr., A.K.A. �Ten-Goal Tommy,� who died at age 44 while servingin the Army Air Corps during World War II. Despite having acquired the Georgetown mansewhich, by the way, was once home to Gerald Rafshoon, President Carter�scommunications director and media advisor, Jane Hitchcock isexpected to maintain her apartment in New York�s Upper East Side where mostall the characters in her books reside as well. Other titles by Ms. Hitchcockinclude, �The Custom of the Country: Adapted from the Novel by EdithWharton,� and �Trick of the Eye.� Nancy Taylor Bubes was the selling agent for 4217 Lenore Lane, N.W. Thebuyers, who wish to remain anonymous, paid $1,138,000 for the contemporary-style five-bedroom house featuring walls of windows, interior brickworkand wooden floors throughout. The Forest Hills home also has a wonderfully designedgreenhouse, a showcase atrium, and a large deck overlooking theback lawn and Rock Creek Park. Jim Bell of Coldwell Banker/Pardoe listedthe property for $1.6 million for the sellers Ann Sislen and Dr. Maurice Sislenin July of last year.  3042 P Street, N.W.Maryland Former senator and Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen and his wife JanetLanghart Cohen have purchased a magnificent 6,700-plus square foot penthouse at theSomerset House, part of the Parc Somerset luxury high-rise complex located on eighteen acresin Chevy Chase, Maryland. The condominium had been owned by Patricia and JohnFigge. Mr. Figge, a 1959 graduate of Holy Cross, recently donated $2 millionto renovate one of the University�s chapels in honor of his late brother-in-lawRobert McCorey. The Figges listed their Somerset home for $4.9 million withWashington Fine Properties agent Ellen Morrell. Linda and Jay Rosenkranz ofLong & Foster represented the Cohens, who paid just $4.3 million and movedin in time to celebrate their seventh wedding anniversary on Valentine�sDay. Janet Langhart Cohen is a former runway model with Ebony Fashion Fairand a broadcast journalist. Mr. Cohen represented Maine as a Republican inboth the House and Senate before being tapped by President Clinton to serve assecretary of defense. Another Somerset House penthouse was recently purchased by MahmoodMohamadi from Ruth Beck for a mere $1,720,000. While obviously not as spacious asthe Cohens� abode, the unit does have three bedrooms, three baths and a library. Jay andLinda Rosenkranz were the selling agents. In Potomac, Helen and Edward Yang sold their 7500 square foot homeat 11510 Lake Potomac Drive for $1.38 million. Josiah Wedgwood, the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the English pottery firm, and his wifeRuth are the new owners. The property boasts a gourmet kitchen, a tenniscourt and a three-car garage. Prior to moving to Maryland, Mr. Wedgwoodwas on the Yale Medical School faculty. He is now the new chief of theSection on Immunodeficiency and Immunopathology at the NationalInstitutes of Health. His wife Ruth is a Yale Law School professor who wasrecently named the Burling professor of international law and diplomacyat the Johns Hopkins Nitze School of Advanced International Studies. She also serves onthe Pentagon�s Defense Policy Board. Long & Foster�s Nancy Itteilag was also the listing agent for 9844 AvenelFarm Drive in Potomac, where she represented fellow realtor Nancy TaylorBubes� brother-in-law Ron Bubes and his wife Lori. Ron Bubes is involvedin the Bubes family business, Linens of the Week, located in Bethesda. Theyare expected to receive $1,195,000 for their Tudor-style, York model homethat went under contract to Jim and Chris Hendren on January 27. TheMontgomery County house has six bedrooms, four and a half baths and is situated on oneof the largest lots in Oaklyn Woods. Paul Yanoshik of Remax is representing the purchasers.  9844 Avenel Farm DriveAt the end of February, 9457 Turnberry Drive in Potomac became theproperty of Dr. and Mrs. Citrin, three-story, three-bedroom end unittownhouse on the 15th fairway in Avenel. The seller was William Jaseph and theasking price was $899,000.  9457 Turnberry DriveVirginia In Alexandria, the $6.5 million Potomac River property belonging to formerRedskins quarterback Sonny Jurgensen and his wife Margo is under contractwith a tentative closing date set for July of this year. The prospective buyer is adeveloper who will no doubt build on each of the Jurgensens� four lots individually.The estate is located at 9326 Old Mansion Road, just north of MountVernon in Fairfax County.  9326 Old Mansion RoadOn the other side of Mount Vernon, new construction has alreadytaken place in the form of Grist Mill Woods; a community set in WoodlawnPlantation's historic district near George Washington's old grist mill. The landwas a gift from George Washington to his step-granddaughter Nelly CustisLewis and his nephew Lawrence Lewis on the occasion of their marriage. Here,off Richmond Highway and the George Washington Memorial Parkway, Long& Foster agents Nancy Itteilag and Salley Widmayer helped Claudia andDavid Kim take possession of 8610 Grist Mill Woods. The Kims' new homeis a two-story, four-bedroom, Georgian-style house with over 4000 square feetof living space. Mrs. Kim is the director of sales and marketing for The UnitedColors of Benetton. Mr.Kim is a wholesale liquor distributor. The Kims paid$660,000 for their home on land once owned by the Father of our country. Please Send Real Estate Information to
