Washington Life Magazine
Washington Life Magazine


It's a Wrap! Cashmere Fall/Winter 2007

March 1 • The Meadow Lo Estate


THE EVENT: Oh, what a night. "Girls' Night Out" hit all the high notes, from the abundance of cashmere fl eeced from Capra Hircus mountain goats nestled atop the Himalayas to the tasty traces of pear and melon dancing in the wine supplied by the Rodney Strong Vineyard. Held at the home of George and Michelle Baldwin and co-hosted by Shawnda Nichole Wilkinson of Purple Talk Consultants, Inc., this cashmerecentric event supported the cottage industry of Nepalese weavers and the Carrie Marriot foundation W.A.M.S. (Women Against Multiple Sclerosis). Vibrant fl oral arrangements courtesy of Stephen Chambers were illuminated to perfection by award-winning lighting guru John Farr of Halcyon House and National History Museum fame. Guests noshed on scallops wrapped in Serrano ham and walnut pesto and smoked duck with fi g marmalade in phyllo shells auteured by chefs Brandon Williams and Jeremy Sharpe.
THE GUESTS: Turning out to support textile enthusiasts Michelle Baldwin and partner Michelle Taylor-Spearman of TDM Designs were Angie and Carrie Marriott, Lily Springs, Judy Behrens, Suzanne Zimmerman, Alicia Calderon, Sharon Bowen, Kimberly Conliff -Stephens, Meryl Comer, Dana Harrison and Wanda Penn.


Party guests chat Cleve Mesidor and Sharon Bowen
Party guests chat Cleve Mesidor and Sharon Bowen


Dante the French mastiff Carrie Marriot, Shawnda Nichole Wilkinson and Angie Marriot
Dante the French mastiff Carrie Marriot, Shawnda Nichole Wilkinson and Angie Marriot


Lilly Springs Mary Barth
Lilly Springs Mary Barth


Ashley Ohr and Christine Kim Kimberly Conliff e Stephens and Dawn Harris
Ashley Ohr and Christine Kim Kimberly Conliff e Stephens and Dawn Harris


Meryl Comer and Dana Harrison
Meryl Comer and Dana Harrison


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