Trumps and the Turks

by Editorial

Whether by jet a la Donald or by Western Union, getting around town is a must.

By Donna Shor

Cyd Everett and friends at the Turkish Embassay.

Cyd Everett and friends at the Turkish Embassay.


Christina Gold has dimples, a wide smile, and an easy charm that instantly draws you to her; she is also a CEO with international clout. Fortune magazine rates her one of the “100 most powerful women in the world.”

Panamanian ambassador Federico Humbert Arias and his wife Daphne honored Christina with a warm reception at their home, when she and husband Peter were here to receive the 2008 Leadership in Excellence Award of the Inter-American Development Council. It was awarded at the IADC’s seventh annual Winter Gala at the Organization of American States, where she was lauded for her work benefiting underdeveloped areas world wide and for the charitable initiatives she has instituted.

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