Advancement Project 10th Anniversary Gala Dinner

by Editorial

The 10th Anniversary celebration of the Advancement Project will recognize the achievements of this innovative, national racial justice group that has championed social and racial issues. Individuals around the country have impacted our work and will be recognized at the event.

Honorees include:

  • Four New Orleans public housing residents – displaced by Hurricane Katrina, twins Bobbie Jennings and Gloria Williams, Odessia Lewis and Stephanie Mingo
  • The law firm Jenner & Block, LLP for their pro bono work advocating for New Orleans residents after Hurricane Katrina
  • Padres y Jovenes – a Denver based group that seeks to end the schoolhouse-to-jailhouse track that many students face
  • New York Times columnist Bob Herbert
  • The Open Society Institute

What to Expect: In just ten short years, Advancement Project has established itself as an innovative national racial justice organization that has strengthened grassroots efforts to eradicate structural exclusion. These achievements and our tremendous growth could not have happened without our grassroots partners and the generous support of those who champion our work.

The dinner and dancing event will begin at 6:30pm. The multicultural event will celebrate the diverse groups the Advancement Project has championed in the past decade. Festivities will include music, food and dance from the diverse cultures and communities of New Orleans, Colorado, Florida and California, among others.

Date: October 29, 2009

Event Time: 6:30 p.m.

Price: $250/person, $2,500/table

Info Phone: 202-728-9557


Ticket Information: For more information please contact or 202-728-9557

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