LECTURE- Sunday, January 16th
STRATFORD HALL, home of the Lees of Virginia, and AMERICAN UNIVERSITY present a lecture by Sumpter Priddy called Rediscovering the Federal Furniture of Washington, DC. 1795-1820, followed by a Reception at American University’s Katzen Arts Center, Abramason Family Recital Hall.
Mrs. Susan Lloyd-Graham is the Chairman of the Committee.
Mrs. Charles S.Whitehouse is the Honorary Chairman
Date: Sunday, January 16, 2011
Time: 5:00 P.M
Location: Katzen Arts Center, American University, Abramson Family Recital Hall
Attire: Business
Ticket/Pricing Information:Tickets are $50 and available through the American University Box office 202-885-3634 after Jan. 11 and online at www.american.tix.com. Free parking at the center. Please call Committee Chairman, Mrs.
Susan Lloyd-Graham, for further information. 202-333-5124