WL Lists: YGL 2007

by Editorial
See who made the town’s hottest list in 2007. 
Screen shot 2015-07-13 at 5There is a certain je ne sais quoi about a party and much like romantic chemistry it’s either there or it’s not. More often than not it’s the guests of a party, which add the fair that makes an event a success or “just another party.”
Our 2nd annual The Young and the Guest List presents Washington members of society under 40, who, to cut to the chase, are the je ne sais quoi of the young social scene. The list represents a generation of social up and comers and firmly established personalities, who have proven themselves through their philanthropic andprofessional efforts, and style. Our social committee welcomes suggestions at wl@vps3.washingtonlife.com.
Miss Huma Abedin
Mr. James Alefantis
Mr. Michael Allen
Mr. Steve Andronico
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Baier (Amy)
Mr. Patrick Bateman
Miss Sarah Baker
Mr. Sanju Bansal
Ms. Veronique Bardache
Mr. Neil Barrett
Mr. John Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Barth (Mary)
Miss Clara Brillembourg
Mr. Julian Berger
Miss Elizabeth Berman
Ms. Molly Bingham
Mr. Robert “Bo” Blair
Miss Eleanor Boone
Miss Tara Boone
Mr. Robert Boswell
Ms. Nicole Boxer
Mr. Quinn Bradlee
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brzezinski (Carolina Furukrona)
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Brooks (Maya MacGuineas)
Miss Pamela Brown
Mr. Warren Brown
Miss.Coventry Burke
Miss Barbara Bush
Miss Jenna Bush
Miss Amy Cada
Mr. Tanner Campbell
Miss Rebecca Canan
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Canfield (Paige)
Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Cecchi(Lisa)
Mr. and Mrs. Enrico Cecchi (Andrea)
Mr. G. John Cecchi
Mr. Ross Chanin
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Chi (Tracey)
Miss Alexa E. Choi
Miss Alexa Chopivsky
Mr. George P. Chopivsky, III
Miss Emily Cohen
Mr. Jared Cohen
Miss Julia Cohen
Mr. Elbridge A. Colby
Mr. Kenneth C. Collins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Franck Cordes (Jody Arlington)
Miss Alexandra Cousteau
Mr. Phillippe Cousteau
Miss Makeba Coyoka
Miss Whitney Cumming
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Colt de Wolf, III (Nathalie)
Miss Jordan Delphos
Miss Nunu Deng
Mr. Caesar Devoto
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Deutch (Marne Levine)
Mr. and Mrs. John Dickerson (Ann)
Mr. Duncan Dixson
Mr. Jay Dixson
Mr. Raymond “Tripp” Donnelly, III
Mr. Ross Douthat
Miss Tarah Donoghue
Miss Dabney Langhorne Doswell
Miss Jill Dowell
Mr and Mrs. Kevin Downey (Michelle Jolin)
Mr. Seyhan Duru
Miss Shelley “Sarah” Elder
Miss Valerie Emerson
Miss Kristina Ennix
Ms. Page Evans
Miss Dana Farouki
Mr. and Mr.s Ramsey Farouki (Shiva)
Mr. Michael Feldman
The Honorable and Mrs. Adrian Fenty (Michelle)
Mr. and Mrs. Raul Fernandez (Jean Marie)
Miss Deborah Fine
Miss Karen Finney
The Honorable Harold E. Ford, Jr.
Mr. Nathaniel Fogg
Mr. Charles B. Fox
Mr. Wesley Fricks
Miss L. Hadley Gamble
Mr. Patrick Gavin
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gergen (Heather)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gewirz (Cleo)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gewirz (Katrina)
Mr. Trevor Gibbons
Mr. Charles Goorah
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Gould (Piper)
Mr. Matthew Jessee
Mr. Garrett Graff
Mr. Jeffrey Y. Grappone
Miss Charlotte Grassi
Miss Melissa Grassi
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Grennan (Mae Haney)
Mr. Carlos Gutierrez, Jr.
Miss Erika Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Haber (Jennifer)
Mr. and Mrs. John Halpin (Jamie)
Mr. Theodore Halstead
Mr. John Hanshaw
Mr. Scott Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartley (Gretchen)
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Herrick (Lindsay)
Mr. James Hess
Mr. Jeffrey Himmelman
Miss Amy Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Howard (Rebecca)
H. R. H. Prince Hashim Hussein of Jordan
H. R. H. Princess Iman Hussein of Jordan
Mr. Scott Hutchinson
Mr. Anthony Imamura
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ingersoll (Honor)
Mr. and Mrs. David Israelite (Sonya Medina)
Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs (Gigi)
Mr. and Mrs. Griffin Jenkins(Kathleen)
Mr. Brian Jones
Mr. Joel Kaplan
Ms. Megyn Kelly
Miss Katherine Kennedy
The Honorable Patrick Kennedy
Mr. Rheza Khadiri
Mr. Jeffrey Kimbell
Miss C. Anna Kimsey
Mr. Mark Kimsey
Mr. Joseph P. Konzelmann
Mr. Pack Sergeant Lamb
Mr. Steve Lamb
Mr. Reed Landry
Mr. Mathew Lapinski
Mr. Christopher Larsin
Mr. and Mrs. David Leavy (Katie)
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lehmann (Ana Marie Cox)
Miss Sarah Lenti
Miss Emily Lenzer
Mr. Joel Limerick
Mr. Terrell Limerick
Miss Lisa Ling
Miss Tonya Lombard
Miss Kristen Lodal
Mr. Winston Bao Lord
Miss Nora Maccoby
Mr. Kevin Madden
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Maddux (Michelle Haney)
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Malek, Jr. (Britlan)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Manatos (Laura Evans)
Mr. Michael Matthews
Mr. Thomas Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. David Marriott (Carrie)
Mr. Richard Marks
Miss Jaclyn Mason
Mr. John Mason
Miss Lauren Mason
Mr. and Mrs. John Murdoch Matheson (Susan)
Mr. Robert Matheson
Mr. Michael Matthews
Miss Patricia McCabe
Mr. Nicholas Mele
Mr. Benjamin Meredith
Miss Mary Beth Metrey
Mr. Marco Minuto
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mullen (Kelly Craighead)
Mr. Alethia Nanco
Mr. Thome Nicoalli
Mr. Matt Nickel
Mr. Brad Nirenberg
Mr. Paul Nitze
Mr. Jonathan Novak
Mr. and Mrs. William O’Leary (Pilar)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oliver (Rachel)
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Olson (Kristen)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Olson (Michelle)
Mr. Joshua Overbay
Mr. Alex Pareene
Mr. Sam Patten
Miss Angel Paulson
Mr. and Mrs. David Perlin (Skye Raiser)
Miss Michelle Persaud
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pierce-Sanatos (Kenya)
Miss Leah Pisar
Miss Ada Polla
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollin (Kirsten)
Mr. Omar Popal
The Honorable Adam Putnam
Mr. Ray Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Reimer (Angela)
Mr. Christopher Reiter
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Reynolds (Diana)
Mr. Timothy Reynolds
Miss Lucinda Robb
Mr. Joseph Robert, III
Miss Lisa Rockefeller
Miss Andrea Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Rosenheim (Elizabeth)
Mr. Adam Rosman
Miss Katie Rost
Miss Melanie Roussell
The Honorable Linda Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanchez (Elissa Rubin)
Mr. and Mrs. B. Francis Saul, III (Dawn)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sears (Starr)
Mr. David Shuster
Mr. and Mrs. William Slover (Laura McGifford)
Ms. Pamela Sorensen
Mr. Thomas Snedeker
Miss Allison Starling
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Steel (Lee Satterfi eld)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stettinius (Sarah)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stettinius, Jr. (Regina)
Mr. Drew Stroud
Miss Kimball Stroud
Mr. Lindsay Stroud
Mr. Brendan Sullivan
Mr. Adrian Talbott
Mr. and Mrs. Devin Talbott (Lauren)
Mr. Arash Tayebi
Miss Ashley Taylor
Mr. Joshua Thomas
Miss Alexis Tobin
Mr. Joseph Toce
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Tracy
(Norah O’Donnell)
Mr. Brendan Touhey
Mr. Sean Tuohey
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Underwood (Blair)
Mr. James van Wynen
Miss Jennifer Villanueva
Mr. and Mrs. Adam R. Waldman (Ashley Allen)
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Walker (Nicole Bagley)
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wallace (Katherine)
Mr. John Wallace
The Honorable and Mrs. Kevin P. Warsh (Jane Lauder)
Mr. Lee Wang
Mr. David Weiss
Ms. Katherine Weymouth
Mr. Paul Wharton
Mr. and Mrs. Burton White (Jill)
Mr. Charles Edward “Ward” Williams, Jr.
Miss Christina Wilkie
Miss Elizabeth Wilner
Mr. James Woodyard
Mr. Ryan Zimmerman

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