Around Town: Louis C.K. on Jeopardy!

by Catherine Trifiletti

The comedian raises awareness about the Fistula Foundation as a guest contestant on Jeopardy!’s Power Players series.


Louis C.K. conducting interviews before the Jeopardy! taping (photo by Catherine Trifiletti)

In early April, a convoy of 18-wheelers and an army of Jeopardy! producers set up camp at DAR Constitution Hall to film tapings of two tournament finales and a special series of ‘Power Players’ competitions that will air May 16 – 20. Fans of the 52-year-old television program quickly snatched up free audience tickets, eager to catch a live glimpse of America’s favorite game show. Washington Life was no exception.

Before the Power Players taping, we had a chance to chat with the wildly funny comedian, Louis C.K., who stood out amidst a roster of writers, journalists and politicos all competing for charities of their choosing. Louis played to support the Fistula Foundation, an organization that provides medical care for women in poor countries who suffer from the childbirth related injury, obstetric fistula.

WL: How did you get involved with the Fistula Foundation?

L: I did a show on my website years ago and I made a lot of money very quickly so I wanted to give a bunch away and I was looking for charities that take Paypal. A friend had told me about Fistula Foundation so I went on their site and saw they take Paypal so I just sent a bunch of money to them and they were very sweet nice people. I’ve stayed in touch and anytime I do anything that’s a charity thing I usually end up giving it to them.

WL: Do you have plans to go somewhere in Africa or Asia and see what they’re doing?

L: Nah, they don’t need me over there. They need me here raising the money for them.

WL: Are you nervous for the competition or are you good?

L: Both. Nervous is OK.

WL: Do you get nervous before shows too?

L: Not often, but it’s nice– it’s refreshing because when you do something outside your comfort zone and you get nervous, that’s good. It means you’re excited.

WL: Are you planning on being funny?

L: I don’t know! I want to win the money for the Fistula Foundation so I’m going to try really hard and I’m not usually funny in unfunny contexts.

We won’t give away the winner, but we will let you in on a secret– Louis C.K. has that whole funny thing down. Tune in to Jeopardy! on May 18 at 7:30 p.m. EST to watch Louis face off against CNN’s Kate Bolduan and the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart.

More information on the Fistula Foundation can be found at


Contestants Louis C.K., Kate Bolduan and Jonathan Capehart await the arrival of Alex Trebek (photo by Catherine Trifiletti)


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