Washington Life Magazine
Washington Life Magazine
Sami and Annie Totah�s 30th Wedding Anniversary Party
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�Let Me Count the Ways.� Sami and Annie Totah�schildren�Tamara, Nicole, Elliot and Karina, readstanzas from Elizabeth Barrett Browning�s �Let MeCount the Ways,� and the couple recited their ownpoetry to one another as the cake was cut and thecandles were lit for the Totahs� 30th weddinganniversary celebration. 200 guests including congressionalleaders, diplomats, and Washington familyand friends came out to honor the couple asthey renewed their wedding vows at their Potomachome on September 29. The program included an8 1/2-minute video montage of Sami and Anniefrom their childhood to the present day, a narrationby their children extolling their parents� devotionto each other and their values, performances ofsongs from yesterday and today, hip-hop dances,and Latino numbers.

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