Friends Lynda and Bill Webster, Ann and Lloyd Hand, and Isabel and JerryJasinowski honored Alexandra Villard de Borchgrave with a party on April23rd to celebrate the publication of “Villard The Life and Times of anAmerican Titan,” co-written by de Borchgrave and John Cullen. The titanof the title, Henry Villard, was a nineteenth-century financier who rosefrom his status as a penniless, young German immigrant to become a leadingCivil War correspondent and later a Gilded Age millionaire. Villard setup the first news syndicate in the country, became president of theNorthern Pacific Railroad, and was involved in the founding of what isnow the General Electric Company. The book re-creates the world heinhabited. Mrs. de Borchgrave is Villard’s great-granddaughter.