Prince Alexis Obolensky sporting a falconer�s costumesimilar to one worn during his ancestor Ivanthe Terrible�s reign, commanded his guests� raptattention by tapping his gold and ebony cane at the32nd annual Russian New Year�s Eve Ball. A passelof other elegantly-attired aristocrats includingPrince and Princess David Chavchavadze, BaronessConstantine (Garnett) Stackelberg, and VicomtesseGertrude d�Amecourt, came to the MayflowerHotel in white-tie and tails, bejeweled and beribboned,for the January event celebrating the JulianCalendar version of the New Year. RussianAmbassador Yuri Ushakov wore a tuxedo while hiswife Svetlana came draped in a full-length Russianmink coat, and Pat Skantze faced some fierce competitionfor the fancy headgear award. A 35-piecebalalaika ensemble of singers, dancers, and musiciansentertained the crowd prior to dinner anddancing.