Washington Life Magazine
Washington Life Magazine
Washington Weddings
Ryan-Blinken Wedding
Evan Ryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ryan, Jr. of Alexandria, Va.,was married on Saturday, March 2 at 3:00 p.m. to Antony John Blinken, the son ofJudith Pisar of Paris, France and Donald Blinken of New York City. The ReverendWilliam J. Byron, S.J. and Rabbi Harold White co-officiated at Holy TrinityChurch on 36th Street in Georgetown, Washington, D.C.

Ms. Ryan, 30, served on the White House staff of First Lady Hillary RodhamClinton and was director of scheduling for Mrs. Clinton�s campaign for the UnitedStates Senate from New York. She graduated from Boston College. Mr. Blinken,39, is a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies inWashington, D.C. He served on the National Security Council staff at theWhite House, first as President Clinton�s chief foreign policy speechwriter, then ashis senior adviser for European affairs. Mr. Blinken graduated from Harvard Collegeand Columbia University Law School.

The bride�s father is program manager at the Officeof Personnel Management in Washington, D.C. Her mother is a teacher

and chair of the multicultural affairs committee at St. Stephen�s & St. AgnesSchool in Alexandria, Virginia. The bride�s late grandfather, James J.Rowley, was director of the United States Secret Service from 1961 to 1973.

The groom�s father, a founding partner of Warburg, Pincus and Co.in New York, was chairman of the board of trustees of the State University of NewYork and United States ambassador to Hungary. His mother was chairwoman ofthe American Center in Paris and is now president of Arts France-USA. The groomis the stepson of Mrs. Vera Blinken, a member of the executive committee of theInternational Rescue Committee, and Mr. Samuel Pisar, an international lawyer and writer.

The bride and groom met in the White House in 1995, after the groom followedthe bride throughout the West Wing and the Old Executive Office Building for severalweeks before finally asking a mutual friend who she was and where she worked.

MacGuineas-Brooks Wedding
Maya Carol MacGuineas and Robin Jermyn Brooks were married on January12 in Washington, D.C. The ceremony took place in their home and was officiatedby the Honorable Emmet G. Sullivan, judge for the United StatesDistrict Court for the District of Columbia. Following the ceremony, thewedding guests dined at Nora Restaurant.

Maya is a senior fellow at the New America Foundation, a public-policy thinktank, where she specializes in fiscal policy. She serves on the governing boards ofCommon Cause, a citizen advocacy group dedicated to openness and honesty in government;Third Millenium, a nonprofit organization working to focus attentionon long-term challenges facing the nation; and My Sister�s Place, a Washington, D.C.shelter for victims of domestic violence. She graduated from NorthwesternUniversity and received her master�s degree in public policy from the John F. KennedySchool of Government at Harvard University.

The bride is the daughter of the late Carol Kalish MacGuineas, who was a freelancewriter, and D. Biard MacGuineas, a partner in the law firm of DykemaGossett. Her stepmother, Peggy Miller, is the assistant director of publishing for theAmerican Council of Life Insurers.

Robin is an economist in the Research Department at the International MonetaryFund where he is researching the impact of globalization on financial markets. Heholds a Ph.D. in economics from Yale University and received a B.Sc. in monetaryeconomics from the London School of Economics.

The groom�s father, Jermyn Brooks, recently retired as senior partner forEurope of PricewaterhouseCoopers, L.L.P. and is now an executive director ofTransparency International in Berlin, Germany. His mother, Val Brooks, is ahigh school drama teacher in Friedrichsdorf, Germany, where they reside.

The couple met at the Brookings Institution, where Maya was a seniorresearch analyst and Robin was the Okun research fellow in the Economic StudiesDepartment. Following their wedding, they took a quick �minimoon� to theTurks and Caicos Islands and will be honeymooning in Australia this spring. Thecouple resides in Washington, D.C.

Holt-Salahi October Wedding
Michaele Holt and Tareq Salahi are planning to be married on October 5,2002 at St. Matthew�s Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

Michaele is the daughter of Howard & Rosemary Holt of Fairfax, Virginia.Michaele is a graduate of Kings College, a professional model who has appeared inVOGUE Magazine, InStyle, Modern Bride, Town & Country, Harpers Bazaar,Saks Fifth Avenue, BET TV, MTV, Escada, Chanel, Ralph Lauren/Polo andother print & television. She supports many charities including JDF, Make-A-Wish,Breast Cancer Awareness, United Way & additional others. Michaele alsohas coordinated events for the PGA Association, Chanel, Nordstrom & manyfashion designers.

Tareq is the son of Dirgham & Corinne Salahi of Hume, Virginia. Tareq is a graduateof the University of California, Davis. He is an accomplished polo player and isthe CEO & owner of Oasis Winery, rated Top 10 in the World; founder & president ofOasis Enterprises & Wine Country Tours & president of the Blue RidgeWineWay. Tareq serves on the governors board of the Commonwealth ofVirginia as an advisor for the Wine Growers Advisory Board. He alsosupports many charities including Make-A-Wish Foundation, St. Jude�sChildren�s Research Hospital, Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts,Meadow Outdoor Foundation/Virginia Gold Cup, British Forces Foundation,CSPA/Prince Charles Trust, MADD, Smithsonian Associates and many others.

Tamagni-Schlein Wedding
Jordan Tamagni and Michael Schlein were married on February 23, 2002in New York City. The wedding brought together hundreds of friends and family members fora weekend-long celebration that included a privateparty at the Independent in Tribeca, the wedding and reception at TribecaRooftop and a post-wedding brunch at 60 Thompson in Soho.

The bride and groom met when their mutual friend, Eli Attie, formerly VicePresident Gore�s chief speechwriter and currently a writer for �The West Wing,�asked each of them to join a conference call regarding the Democratic NationalConvention in Los Angeles. They became engaged one year to the day of that firstphone call.

The bride is senior director for Corporate Communications at AOL TimeWarner; the groom is senior vice president for Global Corporate Affairs and HumanResources at Citigroup. Prior to that, both bride and groom worked in the ClintonAdministration, Jordan as a special assistant to the president and presidentialspeechwriter and Michael as chief of staff at the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Following a honeymoon split between their home in Amagansett and a villa onMustique, the couple will reside in Tribeca, New York City.

Mortenson-McElroy Wedding
Jacqueline Charisse Mortenson and Michael John McElroy were married on February10, 2001 at McLean Presbyterian Church. The evening ceremony was officiated by thegroom�s brother, Patrick H. McElroy and followed by a black-tie reception at the Ritz-Carltonin McLean, Virginia.

The bride, 28, is an alumna of The Potomac School in McLean, Virginia anda graduate of Langley High School. She graduated in 1995 from Loyola College inMaryland with a degree in communications and returned to the area to workfor the public relations firm Hayes, Domenici & Nunn. Soon after, sheentered the publishing industry and worked as the managing editor ofWashington Life magazine and more recently as an independent sales consultantfor several local magazines. She is the

daughter of R. Stan Mortenson and Jaqueline C. Boynton of McLean,Virginia. Her father, an attorney, represented former President Richard Nixonand subsequently his estate in all matters regarding the famous White House tapes.

The groom, 32, is an associate in the Washington, D.C. office of Orrick,Herrington & Sutcliffe, a law firm. He graduated magna cum laude from KenyonCollege, received a masters degree in government from the University of Virginiaand a law degree from Georgetown University. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs.John J. McElroy of Olympia, Washington.

The newlyweds enjoyed a two-week honeymoon at the Four Seasons Hotel inNevis, British West Indies. The couple now resides in McLean, Virginia.

Pappas-Field June Wedding
Elizabeth Evangeline Pappas of Washington, D.C. and Robert Stuart Fieldof Baltimore will be married on June 15 in The Greek Orthodox Church of theAnnunciation in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Miss Pappas is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Pappas ofWinston-Salem. She graduated from the University of Georgia in Athens and wasmost recently the manager of communications for America�s Promise- The Alliance for Youth.

Mr. Field is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robert Field of Potomac, Maryland. Hereceived a bachelor�s degree from the University of Texas at Austin and a juris doctoratefrom UT School of Law. Mr. Field is pursuing a master�s degree in philosophyat Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

Semans-Donovan Wedding
Linda Koller Semans and John Smith Donovan, Jr. were married on January 12,2002 in a civil ceremony at the Cosmos Club in Washington, D.C. Superior CourtAssociate Judge George Herbert Goodrich officiated.

Mrs. Donovan, who will keep her maiden name professionally, is the principalof The Semans Company, which specializes in the production of television andradio advertising for Democratic candidates and progressive issues. She is a graduateof National Cathedral School in Washington, D.C. and Tufts University in Boston,Massachusetts. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Semans, Jr. live inBethesda, Maryland.

The groom, a son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Donovan of Cinnaminson,New Jersey, attended The School of Visual Arts in New York City. He is partnerand creative director at Issue and Image Advertising in Alexandria, Virginia.

Kara Kennedy of Westmoreland Hills, Maryland was the matron of honor andDavid Rudd of Arlington, Virginia was the best man. Grace Kennedy Allen and MaxGreathouse Allen attended the bride and groom as flower girl and ring bearer. LouisScherr and his jazz trio performed at the reception.

The couple will reside in McLean, Virginia.


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