Washington Life Magazine
Washington Life Magazine
Spina Bifida Roast of Tom Brokaw

CBS�s Bob Schieffer roasts NBC�s Tom Brokaw

CNN�s Kate Snow, NBC�s
Campbell Brown and documentary
filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi

Al Hunt, CNN�s Judy Woodruff,
Tom Brokaw and Jeff Hunt [seated]

A Well Done Roast

A "Who's Who" of journalists that included CBS's Bob Schieffer and Bill Plante, NBC'sAndrea Mitchell and Tim Russert, Time magazine's Margaret Carlson, CNN's Mark Shieldsand Wolf Blitzer, and humorist Art Buchwald came out for the grilling of Tom Brokaw at theCapitol Hill Hyatt Regency on October 2. The annual event features prominent Washingtonpoliticians roasting members of the press. Brokaw's good-natured grillers included SenateMajority Leader Tom Daschle, Sen. George Allen, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Art Buchwald andBob Schieffer. Proceeds will be used to aid in the prevention of Spina Bifida.

Sen. Tom Daschle
and Art Buchwald

CNN�s Wolf Blitzer
and NBC�s Tim Russert

Time�s Walter Isaacson
& Margaret Carlson

Sen. Arlen Specter

              Photos by John Harrington


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