Josh King & Mike Feldman
Winston Lord, Amy Holmes & David Reingold
| Dancing ’till Dawn Summer didn't officially begin until June 21, butwho says summer parties have to adhere to anysort of official rules? Washington Times socialeditor Kevin Chaffee, consultant Winston BaoLord, BET's Amy Holmes, Washington Balletartistic director Septime Webre and WL's ownNancy Bagley threw a bash for 200 of their closest friends at the hip Harbour Club on May 29to celebrate the start of summer. Among themany guests: NBC White House correspondentNorah O'Donnell, Katharine Scully, Jane Lauder,Andrew and Leslie Cockburn, Chef Geoff Tracy,Washington Post gossip columnist Lloyd Grove,Kimball Stroud, Dylan Glenn, Abigail AdamsGreenway and Dot Proctor. The invitation advised"Wear something daring!" We spotted severalmidriff-baring guests, but apparel derring-do stillisn't Washington's forte. Dot Proctor and Abigail Adams Greenway | Bruce Kieloch & Mike Nelson
Bill Paley, Mary Amons, Evan & Cindy Jones