Michael Kahn, six-time Helen Hayes Award winner,Tony Award nominee, and the ShakespeareTheatre’s artistic director for the past 15 years, waslauded for his artistic contributions as this year’srecipient of the William Shakespeare Award forClassical Theatre, The “Will” Award, at a black-tiegala on April 6. Over 500 guests attended the star-filledtribute at the Ronald Reagan Building andInternational Trade Center, co-hosted by PatrickStewart and Christine Baranski, including: QueenNoor, Jim Kimsey, Don Graham, Arena Stagefounder Zelda Fichandler, C. Boyden Gray,Jonathan Ledecky and board chair Landon Butler.Proceeds from the gala benefited The ShakespeareTheatre’s outreach and education programs,including The Shakespeare Theatre Free For All atCarter Barron Amphitheater.