Dennis Campbell Hisham Khalid
| "Overruling Democracy" Yolande Fox and former Algerian Ambassador Sherif Guellal hosted a book party at theirGeorgetown home on March 10 celebrating the release of American University constitutionallaw scholar Jamin Raskin's new book, "Overruling Democracy: The Supreme CourtVersus the American People." In light of the court's recent decisions that citizens possessneither the constitutional right to vote, nor the right to an education, to privacy, or to publicdebate, Raskin argues for the need to develop a new set of rights to protect democracy. BarbaraEhrenreich, author of "Nickel and Dimed," had this to say, 'This brilliantly argued andmeticulously researched book both alarms and inspires."  Michelle Carhart and Steve Wermiel