|  | Ingrid Zimmer and Tedd Evers were married on July 6, 2002 at sunset onthe pink sands of Harbour Island in the Bahamas. The bride and groom werebarefoot for the “island chic” ceremony, surrounded by close friends and familyas they exchanged self-scribed vows. The French singer Silja performed a stirring a capellaversion of James Taylor’s “How Sweet it Is” as guests clappedalong. After pronouncing their love, the couple led a Junkanoo band processionto a harborside reception. A weeklong buildup of pre-wedding festivities--sun-lounging, twilight cocktails, dancing atsandy-floored open-air bars, and careful late-night golf cart maneuvering, was capped by an islandfeast served up on the beach by local barbecue legend Brian Sawyer. The bride and groom met in July of 1997 in the kitchen of Felix in AdamsMorgan, where they were both attempting to sneak a bite to eat from then-chef David Scribner. Ms. Zimmer took Mr. Evers around the corner toHabana Village to see if he could salsa, and they’ve been dancing together ever since. The bride, a graduate of Pomona College, is a professional dancer,currently performing with Bowen-McCauley Dance, a local moderndance company. She is also the director of the dance program at the National |
Cathedral School for girls and St. Albans School for boys. An avid world traveler, the groom took his basketball skills to Germanyafter graduating from Harvard. He continues to travel in his current position,director of the Caribbean and Europe for Travelocity.com. The couple honeymooned in Bali, and recently purchased a home in Mount Pleasant. |
Katherine Barbara Zipfel and David Christopher Leavy were married onOctober 26, 2002 in Naples, Florida. The bride’s uncle, Monsignor JohnDelaney from All Hallows College in Dublin, Ireland, performed the ceremony at St. Ann’sCatholic Church in Old Naples. The reception followed at Windstar Country Club in Naples,Florida. The bride, 33, is the oldest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. David Kirk Zipfel ofCincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Zipfel is a cosmetic surgeon with his own practice inCincinnati, Ohio. Katherine attended Ursuline Academy | and received herbachelor of science degree in business and marketing from Boston College anda degree in interior architecture from the Rhode Island School of Design.Katherine owns and operates her interior design business, Capital Design LLC, inWashington, D.C., specializing in high-end residential interiors and luxury hotel design. The bridegroom, 33, is the youngest son of James and Emilia Leavy ofWestport, Connecticut. He attended the Salisbury School in Salisbury,Connecticut and received his bachelors degree in government from ColbyCollege in Waterville, Maine. Mr. Leavy worked at the State Departmentas the communications director for Secretary of State Warren Christopher.In 1997, Mr. Leavy joined the White House as senior director of public affairsand chief spokesman for the National Security Council. He is presently thesenior vice president for corporate affairs and communications for DiscoveryCommunications, Inc., the parent company of the Discovery Channel, AnimalPlanet, and the Discovery Civilization Channel —which is co-owned by theNew York Times Company. His father was a senior executive at Limited Brandsand his mother owned and operated Ann Stephens, a retail chain specializingin women’s clothing and accessories. The couple met through friends in 1998 and were engaged in Santorini,Greece in 2001. They honeymooned in Kauai and Maui, Hawaii and will residein Washington, D.C. |
 | Angela Walker and Hans Riemer were married on April 27, 2002 at Foundry United Methodist Church inWashington, D.C. Dr. Philip Wogaman presided over the ceremony, which was followed by a reception at the ArtsClub of Washington. The couple began to date in April of 1998, after meeting through mutual friends. Angela Walker Riemer, age 29, is executive director of theCongressional Black Caucus Political Action Committee.Previously she served as marketing manager at City FirstBank of DC, Washington’s only community developmentbank; and before that, director of government relations inthe Washington office of Prudential Financial – the company she joined after graduating from Princeton Universityin 1995. Angela was born in Bennettsville, South Carolinaand raised in Baltimore. Her mother, Karen Walker residesin Alexandria, Virginia and her father, Floyd Walker, Jr.resides in Highpoint, North Carolina. Angela is a nationalvice chair of the Democratic National Committee’s Women’sLeadership Forum and serves on the board of trustees of St.Paul’s School for Girls in Baltimore. Hans Riemer, age 30, recently started as Washingtondirector for Rock the Vote, the Los Angeles based organization that brings young people and the music industryinto politics. Previously, he was a senior policy analyst atthe Campaign for America’s Future, | 
Photograph by Vince Cowan Photographywhere he led an effortthat thwarted the President’s Social Security Commissionand then put Social Security at the center of the 2002election. In 1996, Hans founded the 2030 Center, apublic policy organization for young adults, which hedirected until 2001. He graduated from the University ofCalifornia at Santa Cruz in 1995 and was born and raisedin Oakland, California, where his parents reside. Hans isa board member of 21st Century Democrats. The couple resides in the Dupont Circle area of Washington. |
Photograph by Lisa RutledgeSarah Jane Dalton and George Dimitrios Vassiliou were married on May 18, 2002 at St.Mary Catholic Church in Groton, Connecticut. The Reverend Hugh Murphy officiated.Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Seamen’s Inne at Mystic Seaport. The bride is the seventh daughter and ninth child of Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Robert Dalton ofWest Hartford, Connecticut. The groom is the son of Mrs. Fotini Vassiliou and the late Mr.Dimitrios Vassiliou of Athens, Greece. | The bride earned her BA degree from Trinity College and her MA in TourismAdministration from The George Washington University, both in Washington, D.C. Shehas worked in the travel and tourism industry throughout her career and is Presidentof Dalton Global, an executive search firmheadquartered in Washington, D.C. She also works with the Greater Washington Society ofAssociation Executives. The groom lived and studied in Athens, Greece and received a BS in Physics. Hereceived his MS in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Washington and didmost of his doctorate work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He moved toWashington, D.C. to work as a senior scientist with Hughes Aircraft and Science andTechnology Corporation at the Naval Research Lab, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, andNOAA before joining Prudential Securities’ Washington, D.C. office where he is a financialadvisor specializing in advising private and institutional clients. He has also studied music,has been pursuing creative writing and has published two books of poetry, written in hisnative Greek and in English. After the groom surprised his wife with a honeymoon to Irelandand London, the couple is happily residing in Washington, D.C. |
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Nicole Elkon, of New York City, and Neal Wolin, of Evanston, Illinois, were engaged onAugust 18, 2002 in Venice, Italy. Both Ms. Elkon and Mr. Wolin worked in the Clinton Administration. Ms. Elkonwas press secretary at the U.S. Small Business Administration before serving as special assistantto the president and deputy director of scheduling and then director of planning at | the National Security Council. Mr. Wolin was on the National Security Council staffas deputy legal advisor and then as executive assistant to the National Security Advisorbefore becoming the deputy general counsel and then general counsel of the Departmentof the Treasury. Although the two worked at the White House at the same time, they did not meetuntil a close friend of Ms. Elkon’s, who was a colleague of Mr. Wolin’s at Treasury, introducedthem in June 2001. Ms. Elkon recently left her position as chief of staff at the 9/11 United Services Group, aNew York-based not-for-profit, to join Mr. Wolin in West Hartford, Connecticut wherehe is the executive vice president and general counsel of the Hartford Financial ServicesGroup, Inc. Their wedding is set for May 2003 in East Hampton, New York. |
 | Eurydice Rorick and Ian Maxwell are to be married on June 14,2003 in Aldie, Virginia. A weekend-long celebration bringingtogether family and friends from around the world will includea pre-wedding mountain bike ride, a wedding reception in thegarden of the farm belonging to Ms. Rorick’s family for threegenerations, paintball championships, and a pig roast. The bride and groom met in Washington, D.C. In 2002,they left Washington to relocate to Lima, Peru to work for theU.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Ianproposed over the 2002 Fourth of July weekend while skiing in Chile. The bride is the Deputy Country Representative for theOffice of Transitions Initiative at USAID. The groom is a program analyst for the AlternativeDevelopment at USAID. Following a honeymoon in Laos, the couple will reside in Lima, Peru. |
Marne Levine, a daughter of Mark and Teri Levine of Shaker Heights, Ohio,and Philip Deutch, a son of Samayla Dodek Deutch of New York City and JohnM. Deutch of Belmont, Massachusetts, will be married on June 21, 2003at the National Museum for Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C. Ms. Levine, 32, is chief of staff to Lawrence Summers, President ofHarvard University. Prior to that, she worked at the Treasury Department during the ClintonAdministration as the deputy assistant secretary forbanking and finance in the office of legislativeaffairs and public liaison. She graduated from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Mr. Deutch, 38, is a managing director of Perseus, LLC, a Washington, D.C. andNew York City-based private equity fund. Mr. Deutch focuses on venture capital investingin the energy area and serves on the Board of Directors of | several companies that are developingnew energy technologies. In addition, he serves on a number of local non-profit boards,including the International Center for the Research on Women, the City Lights School,and Jumpstart DC. Mr. Deutch graduated from Amherst College and Stanford Law School. Priorto working at Perseus, he worked at Williams & Connolly and Morgan Stanley. The couple was introduced by Michele Jolin, a friend of the bride who was working in theWhite House at that time, and her husband Kevin Downey, a friend and former colleague ofthe groom’s at Williams & Connolly. Ben Nye, a former Treasury Department colleague of thebride’s and childhood friend of the groom’s, also claims responsibility for the upcoming nuptials.The bride and groom understand a successful match has many “fathers and mothers” and givecredit to all. | 