Cancer Research Foundation of America Benefit Dinner | Dining for Dollars Guests at the Cancer Research Foundation Benefit Dinner were treated to an elegant meal at Max’s ofWashington, an evening generously hosted by the restaurant’s owner Gerard Pain. Attendees of the dinnerincluded Dr. Paul Talalay, inventor of Brocosprouts; Dr. Ted Tsangaris, Lombardi Cancer Center breastcancer physician; and Leena Hilakivi-Clarke, Lombardi Cancer Center researcher—all Cancer ResearchFoundation of America grant recipients. The event raised over $33,000 for the fight against breastcancer, and proceeds will be used to support a young scientist who will be awarded a Cancer ResearchFoundation of America breast cancer prevention fellowship. The Cancer Research Foundation of America is anational nonprofit health organization which focuses on the prevention of cancer through scientificresearch and education. Since its inception in 1985, the Foundation has supported research, education,and early-detection programs in excess of $32 million. Co-Hosts: Jeremy H. Fitzgerald, Cancer ResearchFoundation of America board member, and Judy CarrEvans, a 22-year breast cancer survivor Location: The Washington Hilton and Towers