Washington Life Magazine
Washington Life Magazine
A Candelit Dinner at Mount Vernon
Camelot Revisited

Where else would over 500 people from far and wide graciously pay to gather together on a Sunday evening for a history lesson? Only at one of the most spectacularly orchestrated events of the year—the Candlelit Dinner at Mount Vernon. This black-tie event marked an historic recreation of the acclaimed 1961 State Dinner hosted by President and Mrs. John F. Kennedy at Mount Vernon for the then-President of Pakistan—the first time that a State Dinner had ever been held off of White House grounds. Guests truly made an entrance as they cruised in style down the Potomac aboard a riverboat. Just as invitees had done 38 years ago, guests sipped mint juleps as they were entertained by both a fife-and-drum troupe as well as orchestral music (this time performed by the National Symphony Orchestra). Organizers couldn’t have asked for more perfect fall weather—guests watched the picturesque sunset from the estate’s sprawling lawn, after enjoying a tour of the mansion’s interior. A spectacular fifteen minute fire-works display beckoned guests to the dinner, created by Design Cuisine, who lent their catering talents to the evening by perform-ing the daunting act of duplicating the original menu to satisfy the modern palate. To top things off, in keeping with Jacqueline Kennedy’s request, the exquisite dinner was served beneath Tiffany blue tents. Funds raised from the evening will support the construction of the new George Washington Education Center, on the grounds of Mount Vernon, which will enable visitors to learn even more about our country’s Founding Father.

Patrons: President and Mrs. Bill Clinton

Honorary Chairs: Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, and Senator John Warner

Honorary Congressional Committee Co-Chairs: Karyn M. Frist, and Lynda Johnson Robb

Co-Chairs: Katharine Graham, and Mary Ourisman

Vice Chairs: Letitia Baldridge, Joan H. Budd, and Ann Hand

Sponsor: Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association

Scene & Heard
Authenticity was particularly important to organizers, seeing as there were a handful of guests who were actually in attendance at boththis event and the original Kennedy dinner (including the fabulous Letitia Baldridge, White House Social Secretary to the Kennedys).

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E.J. Mudd & Diane Rehm


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