Washington’s acclaimed and beloved Arena Stage has thrown open its doors for the business of theatre at its new Mead Center for American Theater on the Southwest DC Waterfront.
WL Sponsored Events
Elton John and Billie Jean King bring WTT Smash Hits to Washington, raising $500,000 for AIDS-related charities.
Washington Life proudly sponsors the sold-out WTT Smash Hits, founded by Sir Elton John and Billie Jean King to fight HIV/AIDS.
Angel’s In Adoption reaches for the stars at this year’s annual gala.
The CoolClimate Art Contest challenged artists to confront climate change.
FedVIPs, IT Leaders and Media Giants unite at FedTalks 2010.
Opening night for the Washington Kastles was a grand slam for local tennis fans as Washington big wigs invaded Kastles stadium Wednesday night.
Amidst sophisticated furnishings at Muleh, guests helped the recently formed Plastic Pollution Coalition raise money in a campaign to refuse disposable plastics.