Children�s Law Center Benefit Celebration Helping Children Soar
Four hundred guests came out for the third annual Children�s Law
Center Benefit at the Kennedy Center�s Roof Terrace Restaurant.
Distinguished Child Advocates Septime Webre, artistic director of
The Washington Ballet, and Juan Carlos Rincones, director of the
Rincones & Company Dance Theater, were honored for their work
in bringing the arts to D.C.�s inner city youth. Mariella Trager and
Valorie Danto-Sharpe co-chaired the benefit committee that included
Princess Yasmine Pahlavi and Kara Kennedy Allen; Sen. Ted Kennedy
and his wife were the event�s honorary chairs. The Sept. 16 soiree
raised $150,000 (five times what its debut event raised in 2001) for
the Children�s Law Center, which provides free legal service to D.C.�s
abused and neglected children.
1) Hadassah Lieberman 2) Mariella Trager and Juan Carlos Rincones 3) Virginia Williams, Jim Moss, and Jeannie Carr 4) Washington Ballet principal ballerina Michelle Jimenez and Runqiao Du 5) Michael Trager, Sandra Ledoux, and Septime Webre 6) Judith Sandalow and Maria Echaveste 7) Princess Yasmine Pahlavi and Julia Springer Tolkan.