League of Conservation Voters Annual Dinner Protecting Our Natural Heritage
Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe was honored with the LCV’s 2003 Environmental
Leadership Award for her commitment to protecting the environment at the organization’s
annual Washington dinner. Sen. Hillary Clinton, who delivered the keynote
address, received resounding applause from the pro-environment crowd of 600
attendees when she accused the Bush administration of misleading the American
public about the environment. "They really want Americans to believe that we cannot
have both a strong economy and a safe environment, or safeguard our lands
and stimulate jobs [simultaneously], but this is a false choice." She also said "one
of the real breakthroughs of the last decade is the irrefutable scientific evidence
about the linkage between pollution and health, we kind of knew it, there was
anecdotal evidence but now it is conclusive."
LCV is a non partisan organization dedicated to electing pro-environment
political leaders. Their major effort in 2004 will be to elect a pro-environment
president. To view the National Environmental Scorecard,
1) John Podesta, Mike McCurry, and Carol Browner 2) Byron Kennard, Brent Blackwelder, and Raphael DeGennaro 3) Roger Hickey, Sarah Ingersoll, and Mike Lux 4) Frank Loy (on the left) 5) Ok Cha Soh and Rep. Lane Evans 6) Deb Callahan and Dennis Hayes 7) Bekah McNeil, Anne Hartley, and Frank Smith.