FYIDCWhat's Hot In Fashion, Beauty and Travel | The Insiders Guide, Society Pop and The Social CalendarUp-and-coming soprano Sarah Coburn, WL: What's on your iPod? SC: Usually the opera that I am learning or WL: When did you become interested SC: I started thinking about it seriously in WL: The most difficult role you have played? SC: Linda di Chamounix — it is a marathon. WL: What surprises you most about your adult life? SC: That childhood is over. WL: Something that's been your mind SC: How irritating it is to turn on the WL: Your life would be simpler if... SC: I had more closet space. WL: What do you worry about the most? SC: I worry quite a bit before performances. I guess that it is pretty typical to worry that one will forget the words or sing out of tune! WL: What do you most love about Washington? SC: The architecture and history. It is such a beautiful city.