Lists will always be with us: the stylish do's and frightful don'ts; the hopeful ins and hopeless outs; and the good, better and best of everything to reassure people that there is, possibly, an orderly progression in human affairs. There always are lists of resolutions to accompany the New Year; lists of promises to keep, others to renounce. Lists of cards sent and received. A list of lists that clutter the desk, fill the screen, bother the mind.
When it comes to an A to Z compilation of people on a social list, it may be best to think of the names as friends on the one hand, and, ideal dinner guests on the other. The custom provides continuity with the past and suggests a life lived to the fullest in a city of infinite possibilities that has no need to apologize for itself as a fascinating seat of power where versatility is key.
Invariably, each year Washington attracts an ever more vibrant mix of artists, financiers, politicians, philanthropists, journalists, musicians, athletes and businessmen and sometimes a combination of one or more of these in a single person. With the election past, more Democrats are making their mark in the political realm and so their numbers have grown in prominence.
Ambassadors and their wives are more and more available. Even our Supremes - Supreme Court justices to the rest of the world - are becoming more visible now that Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. is comfortable with television.
Use the compilation as you see fit. It's always good to have a handy reference for knowing how to spell some wildly intriguing combination of vowels and consonants, especially those with an extra foreign twist.
Help with titles, invitations, charity drives, thank-you notes, and, above all, those little pleasantries that enhance life (and Washington Life) and make manners - and memories - matter. ~Ann Geracimos
H.E. the Ambassador of Brazil Roberto P. Abdenur and Mrs. Abdenur (Maria)
Mr. and Mrs. James Abdo (Mai)
Mr. and Mrs. William Abel-Smith (Mimi)
The Honorable and Mrs. Tyler Abell (Bess)
The Honorable David C. Acheson
Mr. Theo Adamstein and Ms. Olvia Demetriou
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Addison (Sylvia Ripley)
The Honorable Madeleine K. Albright
Mr. and Mrs. Braddock Alexander (Denise)
The Honorable and Mrs. Clifford Alexander (Adele)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Allbritton (Barbara Jean)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Allen (Kara Kennedy)
Senator and Mrs. Lamar Alexander (Honey)
H. E. the Ambassador of Kuwait Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Sabah and Sheikha Al-Sabah (Rima)
The Ambassador of Saudi Arabia His Royal Highness Prince Turki Al- Faisal Al-Saud and Her Royal Highness Princess Nouf bint fahad
Mrs. Stewart J.O. Alsop (Elizabeth)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Altman (Lynda Carter)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ansari (Karen)
The Honorable and Mrs. Jamie Aparicio (Pamela)
Mrs. R. W. Apple, Jr. (Betsey)
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Arundel (Margaret)
Mr. and Mrs. John Arundel (Christine)
Mrs. Martin Atlas (Liane)
H.E. the Ambassador of Israel Daniel Ayalon and Mrs. Ayalon (Anne)
Mr. Smith Bagley and the Honorable Elizabeth Frawley Bagley
The Honorable Howard H. Baker and the Honorable Nancy Landon Kassebaum
H. E. the Ambassador of Colombia Carolina Barco
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnett (Rita Braver)
Mr. Michael Barone
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bartlett (Martha)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Belin (Susan)
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Bender (Grace)
Mrs. W. Tapley Bennett, Jr. (Margaret)
The Honorable and Mrs. William J. Bennett (Elayne)
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Berman (Lea)
The Honorable and Mrs. Stuart A. Bernstein (Wilma)
Mr. and Mrs. Max Berry (Heidi)
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Beveridge, III (Madzy)
The Honorable and Mrs. James H. Billington (Marjorie)
Mrs. Worth Bingham (Joan)
The Honorable and Mrs. Robert O. Blake (Sylvia)
Mr. and Mrs. Antony Blinken (Evan Ryan)
Mr. Huntington T. Block
Representative and Mrs. Roy Blunt (Abigail)
Mrs. Francis Boardman (Ann)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hale Boggs (Barbara)
Mrs. Samuel Bogley (Rose Marie)
Count and Countess Peder Bonde (Clarissa)
Mrs. Daniel J. Boorstin (Ruth)
Ms. Ghislaine Boreel
Senator Barbara Boxer and Mr. Stewart Boxer
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Bradlee (Sally Quinn)
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bradley (Katherine)
Mrs. B. Rionda Braga (Mary)
Justice and Mrs. Stephen G. Breyer (Joanna)
Mr. and Mrs. Arturo E. Brillembourg (Hilda Ochoa)
The Honorable Nancy Brinker
The Honorable and Mrs. William E.
Brock, III (Sandra)
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Brophy (Jeanette)
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Brown (Eva)
Mrs. Ronald H. Brown (Alma)
Mr. and Mrs. E. Edward Bruce (Marnelle)
Ms. Maggie Ohrstrom Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Bryant (Aliki)
The Honorable and Mrs. Zbigniew Brzezinski (Emilie)
Mrs. Ruth Hale Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley T. Buchanan, III (Janis)
Mr. and Mrs. Childs F. Burden (Elaine)
Mr. and Mrs. I. Townsend Burden, III (Valerie)
Mrs. Edward B. Burling, Jr. (Frida)
Col. U.S.A.F. (Ret.) and Mrs. Howard L. Burris (Barbara)
Mrs. Gahl Hodges Burt
The Honorable Richard R. Burt
Miss Elizabeth A. Burton
The President of the United States George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bush (Margaret)
The Honorable Harry Flood Byrd, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cafritz (Jane)
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Cafritz (Ludmilla)
Mrs. Peggy Cooper Cafritz
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Cafritz (Buffy)
Mrs. Charles A. Camalier, Jr. (Anne)
Mr. and Mrs. F. Davis Camalier (Lynda)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cantacuzene (Elizabeth)
Mr. and Mrs. Rodion Cantacuzene (Melissa)
The Honorable and Mrs. Mortimer M. Caplin (Ruth)
The Honorable and Mrs. Andrew H. Card, Jr. (Kathleene)
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Carl (Joan)
Ms. Margaret Carlson
The Honorable and Mrs. Richard W. Carlson (Patricia)
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Carlson (Susan)
The Honorable and Mrs. Frank C. Carlucci (Marcia)
Mr. and Mrs. James Carney (Claire Shipman)
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge E. Carnicero (Jacqueline)
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge J. Carnicero (Susan)
Mrs. Neil Carothers, III (Katryna)
Mrs. Constance Carter
Mrs. McGhee Carter (Marsha)
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carver (Katy Kay)
Mrs. Eugene B. Casey (Betty)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Cashen, II (Diana)
H.E. the Ambassador of Italy Giovanni Castellaneta and Mrs. Castellaneta (Lila)
Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Cecchi (Mercedes)
Mr. Kevin St. C. Chaffee
Mr. and Mrs. David Challinor (Joan)
H.E. the Ambassador of Singapore Heng Chee Chan
Rt. Rev. John Bryson Chane, Episcopal Bishop of Washington, and Mrs. Chane (Karen)
Mr. and Mrs. Aldus H. Chapin (Dolly)
The Honorable and Mrs. John E. Chapoton (Sally)
The Honorable and Mrs. O. Donaldson Chapoton (Mary Jo)
Ms. Ellen MacNeille Charles
Mrs. Robert H. Charles (Oatsie)
Prince and Princess David Chavchavadze (Eugenie)
The Vice President of the United States Richard B. Cheney and Mrs. Cheney (Lynne)
The Secretary of Homeland Security and Mrs. Michael Chertoff (Meryl)
Mr. and Mrs. Brice McAdoo Clagett (Diana)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. B. Clagett, Jr. (Jeanne Begg)
Mr. Page B. Clagett
The Honorable and Mrs. Raymond C. Clevenger, III (Leslie)
The Honorable William Jefferson Clinton and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Cobb, Jr. (Olive)
Mr. and Mrs. John Cochran (Barbara)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cockburn (Leslie)
The Honorable and Mrs. William S. Cohen (Janet Langhart)
The Honorable and Mrs. William T. Coleman (Lovida)
Mrs. H. Dunscombe Colt (Armita)
Mrs. Catherine Conover
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Conroy (Sarah Boothe)
The Honorable Esther Coopersmith
The Honorable Holland H. Coors
Mr. Robert Corby
Dr. and Mrs. Milton Corn (Gilan Tocco)
Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Cox (Claire)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Craft, Jr. (Margaret)
Mrs. Dillon-Smyth Crocker (Roma)
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Crocker (Jean)
Mrs. Brittain B. Cudlip
Mr. Charles T. Cudlip
Ms. Andrea Bruce Currier
Ms. Lavinia Currier
The Honorable and Mrs. Walter L. Cutler (Didi)
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cutts (June)
Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Daly (Grega)
Mrs. Albert de Ponton d'Amecourt (Gertrude)
Mr. John M. Damgard, II
The Honorable and Mrs. John J. Danilovich (Irene)
Miss Rebecca P. Darlington
The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas A. Daschle (Linda Hall)
Mrs. Stuart C. Davidson (Sally)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davies (Lynn Williams)
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Davis (Gail Percy)
Mrs. Donald S. Dawson (Virginia)
Mr. and Mrs. Arnaud de Borchgrave (Alexandra)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Deaver (Carolyn)
Mrs. Howard de Franceaux (Barbara)
Mr. and Mrs. John "Jack" DeGoia (Theresa)
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Delphos (Elizabeth)
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Deutch (Marne Levine)
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Colt de Wolf, III (Natalie)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Di Bona (Evelyn)
Mr. and Mrs. C. Mathews Dick, Jr. (Maizie)
Mr. and Mrs. John Dickerson (Ann)
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wyatt Dickerson (Tandy)
Representative and Mrs. John Dingell (Debbie)
The Honorable Paula J. Dobriansky
Senator and Mrs. Christopher Dodd (Jacki)
Senator Elizabeth Dole and The Honorable Robert Dole
Mr. and Mrs. Placido Domingo (Marta)
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Donaldson (Jan Smith)
Mr. and Mrs. John Donovan (Linda)
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Dozoretz (Beth)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dubin (Elizabeth)
Mr. and Mrs. Spottiswood P. Dudley (Blair)
The Honorable and Mrs. Robert W. Duemling (Louisa)
The Honorable and Mrs. Joseph D. Duffey (Ann Wexler)
The Honorable Clive L. Duval, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duvall (Luciana)
Mr. Mark Ein
Mr. James P. Elder, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard England (Lois)
The Honorable and Mrs. Donald B. Ensenat (Taylor)
Dr. and Mrs. Ahmad R. Esfandiary (Judy)
Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn J. Estrin (Suellen)
Mrs. Benjamin C. Evans, Jr. (Jan)
Ms. Page Evans
The Honorable Jack Evans
Mrs. Rowland Evans, Jr. (Catherine)
H.E. the Ambassador of Egypt and Mrs. M. Nabil M. Fahmy (Nermin)
The Honorable and Mrs. Richard M. Fairbanks, III (Shannon)
Mr. and Mrs. A. Houda Farouki (Samia)
Mrs. Norman Farquhar (Elinor)
Mr. and Mrs. David Felton (Elizabeth Drew)
The Mayor-Elect of Washington, D.C. and Mrs. Adrian Fenty (Michelle)
Mr. and Mrs. Luca Ferrari (Maria Chiara)
Mrs. Sydney McNiff Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Raul Fernandez (Jean Marie)
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ferris, Jr. (Nancy)
The Honorable Julie Finley
Mr. John D. Firestone
Mrs. Hamilton Fish (Mary Ann)
Mrs. William H. G. FitzGerald (Annelise)
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Flamini (Diane)
Mr. and Mrs. Maximo Flugelman (Sedi)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Foley (Carol)
Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Folger (Juliet)
Mrs. Nancy McElroy Folger (Bitsey)
Mr. and Mrs. Neil C. Folger (Izette)
Representative Harold E. Ford, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fout (Eve)
Mrs. Yolande Fox
Representative and Mrs. Rodney Frelinghuysen (Virginia)
The Honorable and Mrs. William E. Frenzel (Ruth)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Friedman (Ann)
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Friendly, Jr. (Pie)
The Honorable and Mrs. Craig L. Fuller (Karen)
The Honorable L. Ebersole Gaines
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley N. Gaines (Gay)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gansler (Laura)
Dr. and Mrs. Jacques Gansler (Leah)
Mr. Arthur W. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Garrison, Jr. (Mary)
Mrs. Melvin Gelman (Estelle)
Ms. Ann Geracimos
The Honorable and Mrs. David Gergen (Anne)
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Gewirz (Sarah)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gewirz (Cleo)
The Honorable and Mrs. Joseph Gildenhorn (Alma)
Mrs. Christina Ginsburg (Ina)
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Mr. Martin Ginsburg Miss. Susan Ginsburg
The Honorable and Mrs. Daniel Glickman (Rhoda)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Glickman (Mia Martin)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Goldberg (Diana)
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gore (Antonia)
Mr. George K. Graeber
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graham (Mary)
Mrs. Burton Gray (Deecy)
The Honorable C. Boyden Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Hermen Greenberg (Monica)
Mrs. David Greenewalt (Charlotte)
The Honorable and Mrs. Alan Greenspan (Andrea Mitchell)
Mr. and Mrs. G. Lauder Greenway, II (Abigail Adams)
Ms. Nelse L. Greenway
Mr. and Mrs. David Gregory (Beth Wilkinson)
Mrs. Richard B. Griffin, Jr. (Sheila)
Mrs. Ruth Noble Groom
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Grosvenor (Deborah)
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Grosvenor (Mary Helen)
Mrs. Melville Bell Grosvenor (Anne)
Miss Sarah A. Grosvenor
The Honorable Brandon H. Grove, Jr.
The Secretary of Commerce and Mrs. Carlos Gutierrez (Edi)
Mr. and Mrs. Achille Guest (Judith)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haft (Mary)
Mrs. Randall H. Hagner, Jr. (Adlumia)
The Honorable and Mrs. Gilbert Hahn, Jr. (Margot)
The Honorable and Mrs. Alexander M. Haig, Jr. (Patricia)
Mrs. Najeeb E. Halaby (Libby)
The Honorable and Mrs. Lloyd N. Hand (Ann)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hardhart (Virginia Shore)
Representative Jane Harman and Mr. Sidney Harman
Dr. William Haseltine
Miss Holidae Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Hayes (Theo)
Mrs. John W. Hechinger, Sr. (June)
Mrs. Richard M. Helms (Cynthia)
Mr. and Mrs. John Henry (Ann Crittenden)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Herrald (Susan)
Ms. Anita G. Herrick
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Herrick (Lindsay)
The Honorable and Mrs. Christian A. Herter, Jr. (Catherine)
Mr. Gary F. Heurich
Mr. Robert M. Higdon, Jr.
Mr. Robin Hill
Mrs. Joseph Hirshhorn (Olga)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hitchens (Carol Blue)
Mr. and Mrs. James Hoagland (Jane Stanton Hitchcock)
Mrs. Walter J. Hodges (Margaret)
Mr. and Mrs. Christian C. Hohenlohe (Nora)
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Holladay (Gwen)
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace F. Holladay (Wilhelmina)
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace F. Holladay, Jr. (Winton)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hollensteiner (Letitia Baldrige)
The Honorable and Mrs. Linwood Holton (Virginia)
Mrs. Outerbridge Horsey (Mary)
Mr. and Mrs. Outerbridge Horsey (Georgina)
Mr. Arthur A. Houghton, III
Mrs. Linda L. Houghton
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond N. Howar (Margaret)
Mrs. Patricia E. Howar
Mrs. Raymond J. Howar (Pamela)
Miss Janet Howard
Representative Steny Hoyer
Mr. and Mrs. Hadlai A. Hull (Ann)
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hunnicutt (Catherine)
Mr. and Mrs. Al Hunt (Judy Woodruff)
Mr. and Mrs. David Ignatius (Eve)
The Honorable and Mrs. Paul R. Ignatius (Nancy)
Mrs. Frank N. Ikard (Jayne)
Mrs. Walter D. Innis (Pauline)
Mr. John Peters Irelan
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Isaacson (Cathy)
Mrs. Eugene Istomin (Marta)
Dr. and Mrs. Aaron G. Jackson (Alexine)
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and Mrs. Alphonso Jackson (Marcia)
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Newell Jacobsen (Robin)
Mr. and Mrs. Simon T. Jacobsen
The Honorable and Mrs. Andrew Jacovides (Pamela)
H.E. the Ambassador of Afghanistan and Mrs. Said Jawad (Shamim)
Mr. and Mrs. John Jeppson (Giselle Theberge)
Mr. and Mrs. Freeborn G. Jewett, Jr. (Joan)
The Honorable and Mrs. Clay Johnson, III (Ann)
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Johnson (Maxine Isaacs)
Mr. Robert Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Jordan (Ann)
Mrs. Ross Joynt (Carol)
Mr. Michael Kahn
Mr. Michael Kaiser
H.E. the Ambassador of Japan Ryozo Kato and Mrs. Kato (Hanayo)
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kay (Dianne)
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Kay (Dolly)
General (U.S, M.C. Ret.) and Mrs. P. X. Kelly (Barbara)
The Honorable and Mrs. Jack Kemp (Joanne)
Ms. Kay Kendall
Justice and Mrs. Anthony M. Kennedy (Mary)
Senator and Mrs. Edward M. Kennedy (Vicki)
Mrs. Robert F. Kennedy (Ethel)
Senator and Mrs. John F. Kerry (Teresa Heinz)
Mr. James V. Kimsey
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Kinney (Ann)
Mr. and Mrs. Austin H. Kiplinger (Gogo)
Mr. and Mrs. Knight A. Kiplinger (Ann)
Mr. and Mrs. Todd L. Kiplinger (Dana)
The Honorable Jeane Kirkpatrick
Mr. Peter J. Knop
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Koch (Susan)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koch (Doro Bush)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kogod (Arlene)
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Koppel (Grace Anne)
The Honorable Thomas Korologos and the Honorable Ann Dore McLaughlin
Mrs. Polly Kraft
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krakora (Mary)
Mr. and Mrs Cameron J. LaClair, Jr. (Mary)
The Honorable and Mrs. James C. Langdon, Jr. (Sandy)
Mr. and Mrs. Chiswell Dabney Langhorne, Jr. (Barbara)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lanier (Isabelle)
Mr. and Mrs. Climis G. Lascaris (Carol)
The Honorable and Mrs. Paul Laxalt (Carol)
Mr. W. David Lawson, IV
Senator and Mrs. Patrick Leahy (Marcelle)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lee, IV (Carew)
Dr. and Mrs. LaSalle D. Leffall, Jr. (Ruth)
Mr. LaSalle D. Leffall, III
Mr. and Mrs. James Lehrer (Kate)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lehrman (Aimee)
Mrs. Egbert G. Leigh (Lucinda)
The Honorable and Mrs. Marc E. Leland (Jacqueline)
Mr. James H. Lemon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Leonsis (Lynn)
Mr. and Mrs. Dani Levinas (Miella)
H.E. the Ambassador of France Jean-David Levitte and Mrs. Levitte (Marie- Cecile)
Mr. and Mrs. David Levy (Carol Feld)
Mr. and Mrs. H. Finlay Lewis (Willee)
Senator and Mrs. Joseph Lieberman (Hadassah)
Mrs. Alexander C. Liggett (Priscilla)
Mr. and Mrs. R. Robert Linowes (Ada)
Mrs. Sol M. Linowitz (Toni)
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Alan Logan (Lydia)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pillsbury Lord (Gay)
Mr. Winston Bao Lord
Ms. Nora Maccoby
The Honorable and Mrs. John D. Macomber (Caroline)
Mrs. William S. Mailliard (Millicent)
Mrs. Christopher J. Makins (Wendy)
Mrs. Martin F. Malarkey (Elizabeth)
The Honorable and Mrs. Frederic V. Malek (Marlene)
The Honorable and Mrs. Charles T. Manatt (Kathleen)
H.E. the Ambassador of the United Kingdom Sir David Manning and Lady Manning (Catherine)
Mr. Kinsey Marable
Ms. Ann W. Marchant
Representative and Mrs. Edward Markey (Dr. Susan Blumenthal)
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Marriott (Carrie)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Marriott (Nancy)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Willard Marriott, Jr. (Donna Rae)
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Mars, Jr. (Deborah)
Ms. Jacqueline Badger Mars
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Mars (Adrienne)
Mrs. Virginia Cretella Mars
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Marshall (Caprcicia)
Mr. Guy Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Jurek Martin (Kathleen Newland)
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mason (JoAnn)
Mr. and Mrs. John Murdoch Matheson (Susan)
Mrs. Buchanan Matheson (Bonnie)
Mr. Charles T. Matheson
Mr. Robert R. Matheson
Represntative Doris Matsui
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Matthews (Kathleen)
The Honorable and Mrs. Charles McC. Mathias (Ann)
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest N. May, Jr. (Betty)
Mr. and Mrs. Terence (Terry) McAuliffe (Dorothy)
Senator and Mrs. John McCain (Cindy)
Mrs. John S. McCain, Jr. (Roberta)
His Eminence Theodore Cardinal McCarrick
Senator Mitch McConnell and Secretary of Labor Elaine Lan Chao
The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas F. McLarty. III (Donna)
Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin (Cristina Vidal)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McLellan (Diana)
The Honorable Juliette Clagett McLennan
The Honorable and Mrs. Robert S. McNamara (Diana)
Mr. and Mrs. William F. McSweeny (Dorothy)
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mead (Jaylee)
H.E. the Ambassador of Morocco Aziz Mekouar and Mrs. Mekouar (Maria Felice)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mele (Victoria)
Mr. David Mercer
Mrs. Philip Merrill (Eleanor)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meyer. III (Karon Cullen)
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Miles (Buffy)
Dr. Wendell G. Miles
Mrs. G. William Miller (Ariadna)
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mills, Jr. (Deborah)
The Honorable and Mrs. George Mitchell (Heather)
The Honorable Mary V. Mochary
The Honorable and Mrs. Toby Moffett (Myra)
Mr. and Mrs. C. Braxton Moncure (Deborah)
The President of the Inter-American Development Bank Luis-Alberto Moreno and Mrs. Moreno (Gabriela)
Mrs. William S. Moorhead (Lucy)
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Moorhead, III (Erika)
Mrs. Wendy Burden Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moses (Patricia Kluge)
Mr. Eric Motley
Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Mudd (Emma)
Mrs. Pat Munroe (Mary)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Murray (Carlotta)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Murray (Evelyn)
Mrs. John U. Nef (Evelyn)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Nelson (Julia)
The Director of National Intelligence and Mrs. John D. Negroponte (Diane)
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Newlin (Louisa)
The Honorable and Mrs. William T. Newman, Jr. (Sheila Johnson)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Nicholas, III (Lynn)
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Nigra (Jane)
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Nitze (Ann)
Her Majesty Queen Noor al-Hussein of Jordan
Mr. Gerson Nordlinger, Jr.
Mr. Franco Nuschese
Princess Alexis Obolensky (Selene)
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and the Honorable John O'Connor
Mr. Christopher Ogden
Mrs. Diana Ogden (Deedy)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ohrstrom (Lilla)
Mrs. George L. Ohrstrom, Jr. (Jacqueline)
Mrs. Ricard R. Ohrstrom (Allen)
Mr. Christopher Olsen (Michelle)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher O'Neill (Chib)
The Honorable and Mrs. John R. Ottina (Mollie)
The Honorable Mary Ourisman and Mr. Mandell J. Ourisman
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Peter Pace and Mrs. Pace (Lynne)
Her Imperial Majesty Farah Pahlavi
Their Imperial Highnesses Prince and Princess Reza Pahlavi (Yasmine)
Mr. and Mrs. William Cushing Paley (Alison)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pawlik (Deborah Gore Dean)
Mr. George L. Peabody
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm E. Peabody (Pamela)
Mr. and Mrs. Payson R. Peabody (Karin)
Mr. and Mrs. Haven N. B. Pell (Mina)
Representative Nancy Pelosi and Mr. Paul Pelosi
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Penn (Nancy Jacobson)
Mr. Joseph G. Perpich and Ms. Cathy Sulzberger
The Honorable and Mrs. Charles H. Percy (Loraine)
Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Perkins (Sarah Tanguy)
Mrs. Harold C. Petrowitz (Carmen)
Mr. Roy Pfautch
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pflieger (Donna)
The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas R. Pickering (Alice)
Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Pillsbury, Jr. (Nina)
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Pincus (Ann)
Mrs. Sally Engelhard Pingree
Mr. and Mrs. John Podesta (Mary)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Podesta (Heather)
Mr. and Mrs. John Jay Pohanka (Lola)
Dr. and Mrs. Ken Pollack (Andrea Koppel)
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Pollin (Irene)
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Porten (Regina)
Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Portenoy (Winifred)
The Honorable and Mrs. Colin L. Powell (Alma)
Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Powell, III (Nancy)
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Powell (Dina)
Lady Previn (Heather)
Dr. and Mrs. Jerold J. Principato (Marjorie)
Mrs. Robert E. Pumphrey, Jr. (Lisa)
Miss Judy Lynn Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Prince (Diana)
Mr. and Mrs. John Pyles (Barbara Harrison)
Mr. and Mrs. Eben Pyne (Nancy)
Mr. and Mrs. Whayne S. Quin (Ursula)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Eugene Quinn (Margy)
The Honorable and Mrs. Gerald Rafshoon (Eden)
The Honorable Mary (Molly) Raiser
Gen. and Mrs. Joseph Ralston (Dede)
The Honorable and Mrs. Donald Rappaport (Susan)
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Rea
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph W. Renchard (Lila)
Mr. Percival L. Reynolds, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Roland Reynolds (Diana)
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Reynolds (Catherine)
The Secretary of State Condoleezza H. Rice
Mrs. Walter T. Ridder (Marie)
The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas J. Ridge (Michele)
The Honorable and Mrs. Charles S. Robb (Lynda)
Mr. Joseph Robert, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Robert (Cokie)
Ms. Roxanne Roberts
Senator and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, IV (Sharon)
The Honorable and Mrs. Frederick B. Rooney (Evelyn)
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt (Priscilla)
The Honorable Selwa S. Roosevelt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rosenthal (Marion)
The Honorable Jonathan Rose and The Honorable Susan Porter Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Rove (Darby)
Mr. and Mrs. David Rubenstein (Alice)
Mrs. Otto J. Ruesch (Jeanne)
The Honorable and Mrs. Donald H. Rumsfeld (Joyce)
Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood Rush (Jacklyn)
Mr. Tim Russert and Ms. Maureen Orth
Mr. David E. Rust
Mrs. L. Nicholas Ruwe (Nancy)
R.W."Johnny" Apple
Charles H. Atherton
Gladys Bendetsen
Amie Willard Block
Dr. C. Warfield Clark
Trudi Davis
Gen. Donald S. Dawson
Doda de Wolf
Eleanor Tydings Ditzen
Lalla Dodge
The Honorable
William H.G. FitzGerald
Betty Beale Graeber
Mariana Grove
Dorcas Hardin
ViCurtis Hinton
Richard H. Howland
Renee Kraft
Christopher J. Makins
The Honorable
Leonard H. Marks
Philip Merrill
The Honorable
G. William Miller
Prince Alexis
Dr. Robert E.
Pumphrey, Jr.
Lillie Lou Rietzke
Eleanor Ritchie
Helen Strauss
Mrs. Anwar Sadat (Jihan)
Mr. and Mrs. Roald Sagdeev (Susan Eisenhower)
Mr. and Mrs. John Safer (Joy)
Mr. and Mrs. William Safire (Helene)
Miss Patricia Bennett Sagon
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Samperton (Kim)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sant (Victoria)
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sargent (Susan)
Mrs. Stanley J. Sarnoff (Lolo)
Mr. and Mrs. B. Francis Saul, II (Tricia)
Mr. and Mrs. B. Francis Saul, III (Dawn)
Justice and Mrs. Antonin Scalia (Maureen)
Mr. Nicholas B. Scheetz
Mr. and Mrs. Nash Whitney Schott (Aniko Gaal)
Mr. Robert C. Schwartz
The Honorable Carol Schwartz
The Honorable and Mrs. Brent Scowcroft (Marian)
Mrs. Betty Knight Scripps
His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile Selassie
The Honorable and Mrs. Ivan Selin (Nina)
The Honorable and Mrs. William S. Sessions (Alice)
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Seydel (Pat Mitchell)
His Excellency and Mrs. Ishaq M. Shahryar (Hafizah)
Mr. James E. Shallcross
Mr. Victor Shargai
Rear Admiral, U.S.N. (Ret.) and Mrs. Tazewell Taylor Shepard, Jr. (Jan)
Mrs. Donna Shor
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shriver (Jeanne)
The Honorable and Mrs. R. Sargent Shriver, Jr. (Eunice Kennedy)
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Shriver (Linda)
Mrs. Hugh S. Sidey (Anne)
The Honorable and Mrs. Leonard L. Silverstein (Elaine)
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Slatkin (Linda Hohenfeld)
Mrs. Jonathan W. Sloat (Jane)
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Small (Shirley)
The Honorable and Mrs. Lawrence Small (Sandra)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bland Smith, Jr. (Niente)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith (Sally)
The Honorable and Mrs. Marion H. Smoak (Mary Frances)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Snyder (Tanya)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Sonnenreich (Linda)
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sperling (Alison Abner)
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Steel (Susan Watters)
Mr. and Mrs. George Stephanopoulos (Alexandra Wentworth)
Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan Sterling (Lisa)
Mrs. Isaac Stern (Linda)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Stern (Patricia)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Stettinius (Sarah)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stettinius, Jr. (Regina)
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Stevens, Jr. (Elizabeth)
Senator and Mrs. Ted Stevens (Catherine)
Mrs. Potter Stewart (Andy)
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Stock (Ann)
Mrs. Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. (Mary Ann)
Mrs. Auchincloss Straight (Nina)
The Honorable Robert S. Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strong (Malan)
Mr. A. Michael Sullivan, Jr.
Mrs. Mary H. Davidson Swift
The Honorable and Mrs. James Wadsworth Symington (Sylvia)
Mrs. William Howard Taft. III (Barbara)
Mr. and Mrs. William Howard Taft. IV (Julia)
Mrs. W. Waverly Taylor (Edmee)
Mrs. Daniel J. Terra (Judith)
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Thomas (Oscie)
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Thomas (Patty)
Mrs. Benjamin W. Thoron (Violet)
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Tiefel (Norma Kline)
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice B. Tobin (Joan)
Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir S. Tolstoy (Suzanne)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Trachtenberg (Francine)
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Tracy (Nora O'Donnell)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Traeger (Mariella)
Mr. and Mrs. Bowdoin C. Train (Georgia)
Mrs. Marjorie Legaré Hardy Train
The Honorable and Mrs. Russell E. Train (Aileen)
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander B. Trowbridge, Jr, (Eleanor)
The Honorable and Mrs. Joseph Davies Tydings (Kate)
Representative and Mrs. Tom Udall (Jill Cooper)
H.E. the Ambassador of Russia and Mrs. Yuri V. Ushakov (Svetlana)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Valenti (Mary Margaret)
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Valentine (Kathy Kemper)
H.E. the Ambassador of Belgium Baron Franciskus van Daele and Baroness van Daele (Christiane)
Mr. Christopher T. van Roijen
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. van Roijen (Beatrice)
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Verveer (Melanne)
Dr. and Mrs. Giorgio G. Via (Anna Maria)
The Honorable and Mrs. Richard N. Viets (Dorette Fleischman)
H.E. the Ambassador of Norway Knut Vollebaek and Mrs. Vollebaek (Ellen)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry von Eichel (Countess Monika Apponyi)
Mr. and Mrs. George Vradenburg (Trish)
Mr. and Mrs. Mallory Walker (Diana)
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Walker (Nicole Bagley)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wallace (Lorraine)
Mrs. French Carter Wallop
Mr. and Mrs. Redmond Walsh (Tia Cudahy)
Senator and Mrs. John W. Warner (Jeanne)
The Honorable and Mrs. Mark Warner (Lisa Collis)
Miss Virginia Warner
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Warner (Kathleen)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Warsh (Jane Lauder)
The Honorable and Mrs. C. Langhorne Washburn (Judith)
Mrs. Walter E. Washington (Mary)
Mr. Septime Webre
The Honorable and Mrs. William H. Webster (Lynda)
Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Weinmann (Mary)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Weiss (Juleanna)
Dr. Sidney Werkman
The Honorable and Mrs. Togo D. West, Jr. (Gail)
Ms. Katherine Weymouth
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Wheelwright (Celeste)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wheeler (Carol)
Mrs. Byron R. White (Marion)
Mrs. Charles Sheldon Whitehouse (Janet)
Mr. and Mrs. George Will (Marie)
Mr. and Mrs. Curtin Winsor, III (Deborah)
The Mayor of Washington, D.C. and Mrs. Anthony Williams (Diane)
Mrs. Virginia Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley S. Williams, Jr. (Karen)
Mr. Graham Wisner
The Honorable and Mrs. James Wolfensohn (Elaine)
The Honorable Paul Wolfowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodward (Elsa Walsh)
Mrs. Warren Zimmerman (Corinne)
![Tim Russert](images/2007-social-list01.jpg) |
![Pamela Aparicio](images/2007-social-list02.jpg) |
Tim Russert |
Pamela Aparicio |
![Nancy Brinker](images/2007-social-list03.jpg) |
![Buffy and](images/2007-social-list04.jpg) |
Nancy Brinker |
Buffy and William Cafritz |
![Davis and Lynda Camalier](images/2007-social-list05.jpg) |
![Jack and Theresa](images/2007-social-list06.jpg) |
Davis and Lynda Camalier |
Jack and Theresa DeGoia |
![Sharon and Bruce Bradley](images/2007-social-list07.jpg) |
![William](images/2007-social-list08.jpg) |
Sharon and Bruce Bradley |
William and Janet Cohen |
![Gwen](images/2007-social-list09.jpg) |
![Ann and Vernon Jordan](images/2007-social-list10.jpg) |
Gwen and Stuart Holladay |
Ann and Vernon Jordan |
![Nancy Pelosi](images/2007-social-list11.jpg) |
![David and Alice Rubenstein](images/2007-social-list12.jpg) |
Nancy Pelosi |
David and Alice Rubenstein |
![Graham Wisner](images/2007-social-list13.jpg) |
![Mai and Jim Abdo](images/2007-social-list14.jpg) |
Graham Wisner |
Mai and Jim Abdo |
![Betsey and Bill Delphos](images/2007-social-list15.jpg) |
![Fred and Marlene Malek](images/2007-social-list16.jpg) |
Betsey and Bill
Delphos |
Fred and Marlene Malek |
![Albert and Shirley Small](images/2007-social-list17.jpg) |
![Septime Webre](images/2007-social-list18.jpg) |
Albert and Shirley Small |
Septime Webre |