Grand Jury Prize: Documentary MANDA BALA (SEND A BULLET), directed by Jason Kohn Follows a politician in Brazil who uses a frog farm to steal billions of dollars, a wealthy businessman who spends a small fortune bulletproofing his cars, and a plastic surgeon who reconstructs the ears of mutilated kidnapping victims.
Stills from Manda Bala |
Grand Jury Prize: Dramatic PADRE NUESTRO, directed by Christopher Zalla Fleeing a criminal past, Juan hops a truck transporting illegal immigrants from Mexico to New York City, where he meets Pedro, who is seeking his rich father.
Padre Nuestro |
World Cinema Jury Prize: Documentary ENEMIES OF HAPPINESS/Denmark, directed by Eva Mulvad and Anja Al Erhayem Malalai Joya, a 28-year-old Afghani woman, redefines the role of women and elected officials in her country with the story of her historic 2005 victory in Afghanistan's first democratic parliamentary election in more than 30 years.
Enemies of Happiness |
World Cinema Jury Prize: Dramatic SWEET MUD (ADAMA MESHUGAAT)/ Israel, directed by Dror Shaul On a kibbutz in southern Israel in the 1970's, Dvir Avni realizes that he must navigate between the kibbutz motto of equality and the stinging reality that his mentally ill mother has been abandoned by the community.
Audience Award: Documentary HEAR AND NOW, directed by Irene Taylor Brodsky Brodsky tells a deeply personal story about her deaf parents and their radical decision - after 65 years living together in silence - to undergo a procedure that could give them the ability to hear.
Audience Award: Dramatic GRACE IS GONE, directed by James C. Strouse. After learning that his wife has been killed in Iraq, a father finds the courage to tell his daughters the news during a quixotic road trip to an amusement park.
Grace is Gone |
World Cinema Audience Award: Documentary IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOON/United Kingdom, directed by David Sington One of the defining passages of American history, the Apollo Space Program literally brought the aspirations of a nation to another world. This Film features awe-inspiring footage and candid interviews with the astronauts involved.
In the Shadow of the Moon |
World Cinema Audience Award: Dramatic ONCE/Ireland, directed by John Carney A modern day musical set on the streets of Dublin, featuring Glen Hansard and his Irish band "The Frames."
Once |