WASHINGTON NATIONAL OPERA MID-WINTER GALA “STOCKHOLM: CITY OF NORTHERN LIGHTS” February 3 · Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium BY DONNA SHOR PHOTOS BY KYLE SAMPERTON AND RUSSELL HIRSHON THE EVENT: Cocktails, dinner and dancing in a setting "under the northern lights," that emulated the natural light shows appearing each year in Scandinavian skies. The evening saluted Stockholm, Sweden's capital, with Swedish ambassador Gunnar Lund and his wife Kari Lotsberg serving as honorary patrons. THE SCENE: Swedish girls in native costume greeted guests, who then entered into a darkened hall with cocktails served from blue-light-encircled trays, before escorting them into a fairyland ballroom. Dinner tables were appointed in blue and silver, topped with white birch and white roses. THE GUESTS: The ambassadors of Chile, Hungary, Norway and Finland and their spouses, WNO president Kenneth and Diane Feinberg , Judith Terra, Mae and Ande Grennan, Phil and Nina Pillsbury, John and Christine Arundel, Giorgio and Anna Maria Via, Ann Townsend, Judy Esfandiary, Ann and Vernon Jordan,Vibeke Lo and Paul Carp.