September 13 · Kennedy Center Roof Terrace Restaurant
THE EVENT: A benefi t - which raised over $300,000 - and 10th year anniversary celebration recognizing CLC's dedication to helping abused, neglected and low-income children in D.C. with pro bono legal services and advice. NBC-4's Barbara Harrison served as the master of ceremonies. THE SCENE: Guests sipped cocktails on the Kennedy Center roof terrace as the sun set over the Potomac before Sen. Mary L. Landrieu presented this year's Distinguished Child Advocate Awards to Lee F. Stanfi eld and law fi rm DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary for their commitment to D.C.'s at-risk children. THE GUESTS: Hadassah Lieberman; Shamim Jawad, wife of Afghan Ambassador Said Tayeb Jawad; Rufus J. King; Nicaraguan Amb. Salvador Stadthagen and his wife Analia; Mariella Trager, CLC board member and benefi t chair; Kay Kendall, Jack Evans, and Linda Davis.
Kara Kennedy, guest and Arline Eltzroth |
Mariella Trager |
Gen. Larry Skantze and Pat Skantze |
Connie Carter and Kay Kendall |
Nancy Taylor Bubes and Jack Evans |
Jill Sorenson and Rhonda Wilkins |
Princess Yasmine Pahlavi |
Irene Silva, Analia Stadthagen and Cristina Burelli |
Tyler Williams and Lea Henry |
Rufus J. King and Sen. Mary Landrieu |