In its inaugural production, hosted by the Dumbarton House in Georgetown, the Picnic Theatre Company presented Moliere’s The Hypochondriac with partial proceeds benefiting Clowns Without Borders.
Michael Clements
The YGL party is one of the most popular events in town and it keeps getting better each year.
A group of the area’s most influential LGBT power players gather to raise money for scholars.
Washington Life holds an exclusive interview and parties all night on the rooftop of the W with the talented and newly appointed global Music Director for the W Hotel, Michaelangelo L’aqua.
Washington locals gathered at the Textile Museum for an exquisite event to celebrate the food and culture that exemplifies the very Best of Peru.
The White House Correspondents Association Weekend has become an extended East Coast version of the Oscars – it’s chic, celeb-laden, and media-frenzied. Is this Hollywoodization a good thing or are we simply becoming the latest TMZ outpost?
The 55th Annual Corcoran Ball at the Corcoran Gallery of Art inspires with power players, art, and a fresh spring motif.
Washington Life hosts its fifth annual The Young and The Guest List (YGL) event at The Washington Club with a theme of “A Return to Glamour.”