Fine Art, New Location

by Editorial

G Fine Art presents the works of Jefferson Pinder and José Ruiz in “El Museo del Ghetto”

By Alannah Wells

Opening Night Reception. Jefferson Pinder, Capsule - 2009. Wood from Obama's inauguration platform. salvaged tin.

Opening Night Reception. Jefferson Pinder, Capsule - 2009. Wood from Obama's inauguration platform. salvaged tin.

Wrestling masks teamed with Picassos, a frisky sombrero with a mind of its own, and the remanence of a crumpled aid drop parachute wasn’t exactly what I was expecting when I shook out my umbrella and stepped into G Fine Art’s temporary E Street location on a soggy September evening. However this is just a taster of what was to come at the opening night reception of the “El Museo del Ghetto” exhibition featuring the works of Jefferson Pinder and José Ruiz. Gallery Director Annie Gawlak commented to me that the new space worked wonderfully for this exhibition since it enabled each artist to present video pieces in separate areas. I agree.

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