Power Source: The Goldson Family

by WL Author

Dr. Alfred Goldson and his wife, the prominent attorney Amy Goldson have set the standard for their community, profession and two daughters Erin and Ava.

By Adoria Doucette

Ava, Amy & Erin Goldson

Ava, Amy & Erin Goldson - Photo By Louis Myrie

While Presidential families dominate media exposure of the nation’s capital, several local families remain at the height of influence and community development as Presidential couples come and go. Power Source is proud to introduce another important Washington first family, The Goldsons, who have for the past three decades exemplified the best of the best of Washington DC life.

The Goldson's in Turks & Caicos

The Goldson's in Turks & Caicos

Dr. Alfred Goldson was Chairman of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Howard University. He was educated at Hampton University and Howard Medical School. Dr. Goldson was the youngest department chair in Howard University’s history and the first radiation oncologist to simultaneously combine intraoperative radiotherapy with intraoperative interstitial hyperthermia for pancreatic cancer. The trailblazing procedures that originated from his efforts in partnership with Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York have directly benefited tens of millions of cancer patients. A former member of the National Cancer Advisory Board appointed by President Clinton, Dr. Goldson was at the pillar of the medical community prior to his untimely death from a heart attack at age 57 in 2004.

Amy Goldson, Dr. Goldson’s wife, was educated at Smith College and Catholic University’s Columbus School of Law. After working with the Chief Counsel of the IRS and a major DC law firm, Goldson began her own firm in 1982 and has been one of the most influential private attorneys due to her long standing relationships with leaders of the corporate, political and cultural community. Her practice specializations are entertainment, government relations and tax matters; Ms. Goldson has mastered the nuanced mechanisms of creating opportunity and cultural achievements while maintaining an impeccable professional record with her clients and the community. Amy Goldson is a major player in Washington and sought out by anyone who desires access to the inner power networks of the nation’s capital.

High school sweethearts affectionately known to many as Al and Amy Goldson, they were to all who knew them the ultimate power couple in the District of Columbia, often jokingly referred to as the “real life Huxtables”. The Goldsons are admired and highly respected by all whom have had the honor and pleasure of making their acquaintance; both are best known for their personal achievements and professional excellence.

At the turn of a new decade while her mother is at the height of her influence, Erin Goldson recently graduated from the University of Virginia and is working for the world’s premier ad agency, Ogilvy & Mather, at their New York headquarters. Ava Goldson is in her 3d year at Spelman College majoring in Spanish and English. She just returned from a semester abroad studying in Buenos Aires.  The trailblazing success of the Goldson family will continue, and Power Source salutes the lives of Al, Amy, Erin and Ava.

The Goldsons are joined by Ms. Emlily Robertson, Amy's mother, at the dedication of a portrait honoring Dr. Goldson at Howard Unversity's College of Medicine

The Goldsons are joined by Ms. Emlily Robertson, Amy's mother, at the dedication of a portrait honoring Dr. Goldson at Howard Unversity's College of Medicine

Learn more about Adoria Doucette

Learn more about Adoria Doucette

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