WL Sponsored: Heart’s Delight Wine Tasting

by Editorial

There is only one event where expert winemakers and phenomenal cooks come together for a three-day event: Heart’s Delight Wine Tasting & Dinner.

Jenn Haber, Bret and Amy Baier at the Heart's Delight Vintner's Dinner. Photo by Tony Powell

Jenn Haber, Bret and Amy Baier at the Heart's Delight Vintner's Dinner. Photo by Tony Powell

Washington Life was among many prestigious guests at the final night of three days worth of  Heart’s Delight events that netted $1 million dollars for the American Heart Association. The events took place over three days in May.  On Thursday, various wine dinners took place with a hint of internationalism, each dinner having a host, chef, and winemaker. Friday was Vintners Dinner at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium, which was immediately followed by a live auction. Lastly, if these activities were not enough, there was Saturday’s virtual tour of Bordeaux which entailed exciting seminars, live and silent auctions, and more!



2010 Participating Chefs & Restaurants

Rachel Pearson, Daren Thomas, and Lee Satterfield. Photo by Tony Powell

Rachel Pearson, Daren Thomas, and Lee Satterfield. Photo by Tony Powell

Valerie Stempler, Ruth Bassin, Robin Smith, Bill Plante, Gail Bassin, and Ilyse Stempler. Photo by Tony Powell

Valerie Stempler, Ruth Bassin, Robin Smith, Bill Plante, Gail Bassin, and Ilyse Stempler. Photo by Tony Powell

John Coale and Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker. Photo by Tony Powell

John Coale and Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker. Photo by Tony Powell

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