Music Matters: DMC Runs to Hill for Foster Care

by Editorial

Music and politics comes together on Capitol Hill to urge Congress to pass the Youth PROMISE Act

By Roshan Farazad

Darryl McDaniels (DMC) and guests. Photo by Roshan Farazad.

Darryl McDaniels (DMC) and guests. Photo by Roshan Farazad.

Darryl McDaniels of Run-DMC was on Capitol Hill on Wednesday in an effort to get Congress to pass the “Youth PROMISE Act,” which addresses youth violence in communities. McDaniels, adopted as a child, supports the legislation because it would establish peace in communities by funding educational and leadership programs, which in turn, would reduce crime.  U.S. Congressman Robert “Bobby” Scott hosted the event inside the Capitol, premiering a viral video in urge for support and passing of the Youth PROMISE Act. Another advocate, Julia Simon-Mishel, of the Student Peace Alliance, stated, “peace in our communities requires education, training and investment. There is so much we can do to become proactive in our communities rather than reactive.” Other supporters of the Youth PROMISE Act include entrepreneur Russell Simmons, lawyer and television personality Star Jones, and Los Angeles City Councilman Tony Cárdenas.

Michael De La Rocha and Tony Cárdenas. Photo by Roshan Farazad

Michael De La Rocha and Tony Cárdenas. Photo by Roshan Farazad.

Carlos Zuniga, Julia Simon-Mishel, and Vincent Troy Benson. Photo by Roshan Farazad.

Carlos Zuniga, Julia Simon-Mishel, and Troy Vincent. Photo by Roshan Farazad.

Roshan Farazad is a rising junior at the University of Maryland. She is studying journalism.

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