Power Source: Venus at the National Press Club

by WL Author

A family legacy of excellence and achievement brings Venus Williams to the National Press Club.
By Adoria Doucette

Isha Price and Venus Williams

Isha Price and Venus Williams

An exceptional story of persistence, pride and achievement against all odds arrived at the National Press Club in suitable fashion on Wednesday July 7, 2010.

It is a given that Venus Williams and her sister Serena Williams are phenominal champions. Their triumphs as two of the worlds most celebrated sports figures are picture perfect and one of the greatest stories of the century. Venus Williams has captured 43 women’s singles tennis titles and is currently ranked #3 in the world. She has trailblazed a path that afforded her younger sister Serena to be ranked #1 in the world. Power Source is proud to pass along Venus’ message that her success on the global tennis scene was created by the dedication of her parents and the full support of her older sisters. The model mindset of the this extraordinary family is to succeed against all odds. Venus Williams held court in the ballroom of the world’s leading professional organization of journalists, The National Press Club.   Everyone in attendance was delighted as to how candid Venus was about her life coming through the ranks of tennis and eveyday life with her family. She spoke eloquenty as she carefully responded to questions that were related to the sport and current world-wide sports news. When asked if she felt Lebron James would be going to Miami she smiled and spoke of her  love for Florida and ended by saying “I am sure he will make the right decision”. When asked about  Tiger Woods public scandal, Venus responded “How do I answer this question if I am going to answer it”  she paused and took a deep breath as though it was unfair that the she had been asked to have an opinion, and then she rose to the occasion by defending the right to his privacy and said “people should find a way to be less judgemental as it relates to personal matters and focus on their own lives.” She continued by acknowledging the fact that he is a great champion and that most of the people who came out against Tiger Woods have their own issues; the only difference is that they are not made public. 

Venus spoke affectionately of her sisters, including older sister Isha Price , whom resides in the area. Price, who has received a JD/MBA from Georgetown, helps her sisters manage one of sport’s most valuable financial empires which includes a myriad of endorsement deals, ownership in the Miami Dolphins and many investments in another one of Venus’ favorite passions; fashion. Venus spoke of her love for younger sister Serena, mentioning that they still live together and joked they have discussed that when they are married they should still share a residence. She said that Serena told her that she can never leave her and then Venus burst into  laughter and said to the audience “I guess I am stuck”. The family is continuing it’s tradition of the pursuit of excellence by nurturing their 16 year old niece Justice  through an internship travelling the world with her family. Venus explained her passion for the many tennis clinics she does for children, explaining how she was inspired by Billy Jean King’s commitment to the youth  in clinics that Venus herself participated in. As Billy Jean King is a strong role model to both Venus and Serena, it was revealed that early in her career, Ms. King instructed Venus to “stay focused.” Venus also described how painful losses taught her what was necessary to win and be a champion as described in her new bookCome to Win,” which she signed for a lucky group of Washingtonians at Barnes and Noble after her press club appearance.

Power Source was proud to be respectfully included. After speaking with the director Bill McCarren I have a new understanding and appreciation for the valuable work of the National Press Club. McCarren described the event as  very “memorable.” Power Source would like to thank the Williams family for  the inspiration and purposeful movement they have demonstrated  around the world for over 10 years. The National Press Club appearance by Venus was another example of the Williams sisters ability to win on the grandest stage of journalism.

Debra Lee and Isha Price

Debra Lee and Isha Price

Venus at the National Press Club

Venus at the National Press Club




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