Society 2.0: This Week’s Top “Status” Report

by Editorial

By Anna Jacoby

Whether it was for appreciation or for a hilarious Lady Gaga parody about haughty Hill interns on the Metro, DC interns made the tweets of their employers this week.  Also Tweet-worthy was the premiere of the second season of Jersey Shore (whether you admit you watch it or not), Washingtonians like their coffee, and Mother Nature still has a continuous determination to smite the District with this week’s storms.  Here are WL’s picks for the top tweets of the week!  Happy Friday!

Dan Zak with Maria Wrzosek and Katharine Zaleskie

Dan Zak with Maria Wrzosek and Katharine Zaleskie

@adapolla: RT @DCLadies: OMG it’s getting DARK outside PLEASE God NOOOOO Power outages, PLEASE….. Pretty PLEASE!!

@WhitneyStringer: Wow @nbcwashington Pepco now reporting nearly 22,000 customers w/o power, up from about 7,800 this a.m. (and about 15,000 20 minutes ago)

@mikegenki3: Took my awesome 7 summer ADPs (ass’t digital producers) out2 dinner @Lima. Such a talented intern group! Watch out for them media world!

@CADelargy: i would like to thank my intern Josh for icing me the one day my editor is down from NY

@NikkiSchwab: At last: Lady Gaga spoof makes fun of D.C. summer interns

@tommymcfly: Tonight’s Show planned by Intern @TanyaNeshat – it’s coming together nicely. Baby Bird might just fly when I toss her off the cliff 🙂

@ReliableSource: What did the president know about Snooki and when did he know it?

@tarapalmeri: kind of nervous for Jersey shore season 2 / can’t wait to watch

@TaraEWheeler: Flipping between jersey shore and the news before bed… could inspire some strange dreams tonight

@MrDanZak: Can’t creep in D.C. weather either. Too hot, too cold; extremes aren’t good for creeping. #JerseyShore

@wcp: D.C. Is the 11th Most Caffeinated City in America

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