By Anna Jacoby
Whether it was for appreciation or for a hilarious Lady Gaga parody about haughty Hill interns on the Metro, DC interns made the tweets of their employers this week. Also Tweet-worthy was the premiere of the second season of Jersey Shore (whether you admit you watch it or not), Washingtonians like their coffee, and Mother Nature still has a continuous determination to smite the District with this week’s storms. Here are WL’s picks for the top tweets of the week! Happy Friday!
@adapolla: RT @DCLadies: OMG it’s getting DARK outside PLEASE God NOOOOO Power outages, PLEASE….. Pretty PLEASE!!
@WhitneyStringer: Wow @nbcwashington Pepco now reporting nearly 22,000 customers w/o power, up from about 7,800 this a.m. (and about 15,000 20 minutes ago)
@mikegenki3: Took my awesome 7 summer ADPs (ass’t digital producers) out2 dinner @Lima. Such a talented intern group! Watch out for them media world!
@CADelargy: i would like to thank my intern Josh for icing me the one day my editor is down from NY
@NikkiSchwab: At last: Lady Gaga spoof makes fun of D.C. summer interns
@tommymcfly: Tonight’s Show planned by Intern @TanyaNeshat – it’s coming together nicely. Baby Bird might just fly when I toss her off the cliff
@ReliableSource: What did the president know about Snooki and when did he know it?
@tarapalmeri: kind of nervous for Jersey shore season 2 / can’t wait to watch
@TaraEWheeler: Flipping between jersey shore and the news before bed… could inspire some strange dreams tonight
@MrDanZak: Can’t creep in D.C. weather either. Too hot, too cold; extremes aren’t good for creeping. #JerseyShore
@wcp: D.C. Is the 11th Most Caffeinated City in America