The “Real Housewives of D.C.”‘s season finale was met with anticipation, anxiety, and for some, pure relief. Opinions may have clashed regarding the show, but one fact could be certain; Washington was a buzz over the housewives’ drama that ensued. Here are the top tweets from this week!
By Colleen Shalby

Photo by Tony Powell. Lynda Erkiletian, Stacie Turner, Cat Ommanney, Mary Amons. The Real Housewives of DC Premiere Afterparty. Buddha Bar. August 5, 2010
@washingtonpost: See what Cat Ommanney has to say at the #RHDC finale Join the conversation; come back for more
dcshopgirl: I’m going 2 miss these recaps RT @reliablesource The last #RHDC recap/fact-check I will ever write, fingers crossed:
dcfab: Did Tareq just called the Washington Post a tabloid?! Boy please.
TommyMcFLY:I want to know bottle-of-wine count for Real Housewives DC? Rule of reality Drink – Chat – Repeat!
maryamons: Who is ready to see the season finale of RHDC tonight? Get ready to see the “Sah-LIES” unfold! @catommanney @THErealLyndadc @stacieturner
cityshopgirl: You are good// RT @ebongeka: Watching Real Houswives DC finale questions will be answered on the reunion show This episode made me anxious
MrDanZak: A masterful examination of last ep of Real Housewives of DC by @reliablesource deserves explanatory Pulitzer:
tedgibson: RT @maryamons: Who is ready to see the season finale of RHDC tonight? Get ready to see the “Sah-LIES” unfold! …
thehill: Watch our In the Know columnist @christinawilkie on @myfoxdc Friday at 845am dishing on real housewives of dc. Last epi. #realhousewives
EmilyMillerDC: The Real Housewives of DC finale is airing now. I thought this long national nightmare would never end.