Power Source: Dr. Monte Harris

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Dr. Monte Harris is at the forefront of redefining what it means to be beautiful.
By Adoria Doucette

Dr. Monte O. Harris - Center for Aesthetic Modernism

Dr. Monte O. Harris - Center for Aesthetic Modernism

Dr. Monte Harris is in the forefront of a movement to “reclaim beauty” by pushing beyond the Euro-centric standards of beauty that have long dominated the aesthetic industry. A surgeon, scholar, and entrepreneur, Dr. Monte O. Harris’ lifelong passion centers on exploring humanity with an aesthetic compass. His expertise is to enhance his patients’ authentic beauty by exploring and embracing their cultural heritage as well as their unique identity.

Dr. Harris’ approach puts a premium on restraint and subtlety at a time when the beauty industry is characterized by excessive and sometimes harmful procedures. There is a “one-size-fits-all” approach to beauty treatments today that can actually undermine a patient’s aesthetic identity creating an unnatural appearance —as evident in the over-pulled face-lifts, overfilled cheeks and bloated lips we see everywhere. Dr. Harris’ philosophy is rooted in his embrace of modernism, which celebrates a willingness to break with established canons.  His Chevy Chase, MD based Center for Aesthetic Modernism is recognized worldwide for pioneering research and innovative approaches to aesthetics which recognizes differences in aging based upon ethnicity.

The Center was the first in the nation to adopt innovative 3D imaging technology in a clinical practice  and Dr. Harris played a critical role in helping Canfield Scientific, Inc. develop the technology.  Dr Harris is the Principal Investigator of a NIH SBIR grant submission to explore integrated treatment solutions for African American female hair loss. As a clinical assistant professor at Georgetown University and member of Howard University‘s Otolaryngology Department, the treatment approach innovated by Dr. Harris is global in scope and has attracted patients from countries as varied as the United Kingdom, Nigeria and Afghanistan. He has been featured in an array of national press and media including NBC –The Today Show, CBS – The Early Show, CNN – Hollywood, TV-One, BET, New York Times, The Washington Post, Ebony and Essence.

The Center’s holistic practice is a reflection of Dr. Harris’ life as a whole, which encompasses a vast range of interests and activities.

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Dr. Harris is an authentic Renaissance man, pure and simple. He sits on the advisory board of the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage and is a longstanding and active board member of the Recreation Wish List Committee/Southeast Tennis and Learning Center. Dr. Harris has been awarded the Emerging Business of the Year Award by the DC Chamber of Commerce as well as a Minority Business Leader Award by the Washington Business Journal.

Recently inducted into the American College of Surgeons as a fellow, Power Source commends Dr. Harris and his Center for Aesthetic Modernism for their bold forays into redefining beauty.

Dr. Harris upon being inducted as a fellow of the American College of Surgeons.
An avid tennis enthusiast, Dr. Harris supports the 12th Annual Heart to Hart Tennis Experience at the Southeast Tennis and Learning Center.

An avid tennis enthusiast, Dr. Harris supports the 12th Annual Heart to Hart Tennis Experience at the Southeast Tennis and Learning Center.

Dr. Harris and his wife of 16 years, Lisa.


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