2011 The Young & The Guest List Fashion Shoot

by Editorial

Oh, the FABULOUS ’40s
Fashionable YGL’ers savor the good life in high 1940s style at Arlington’s luxurious Turnberry Tower.

Photography by Yulia Gorbachenko
Style by Lana Orloff
Make-up and hair by Warren Beautiful for Nars Cosmetics, www.warrenbeautiful.com
Shoot Assistants: Katherine Coleman, Melissa Gaied, Lindsay Masciana, Lauren Mayer, Yvette Rector, Christopher Shea and Jimmy D. Shea

Doug Thornell, Elaine Mensah &Drew Porterfield

Doug Thornell: Hugo boss shirt ($105) and tie ($75), Armani pants ($395); Saks Fifth Avenue, www.saksfifthavenue.com Elaine Mensah: Theia dress ($795); Saks Jandel, 5510 Wisconsin Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815, (301) 652-2250. Daniella Kall Meyer white rabbit fur hoodie ($575) and Paul Mendoza big tower amethyst gold ring ($490); Charm Georgetown, www.charmgeorgetown.com. De Beer heart coin five diamond bracelet ($850), lucky star coin five diamond bracelet ($850) and moon coin twenty diamond bracelet ($1,600); www.debeers.com. • Drew Porterfield: Armani shirt ($225) and pants ($245), Hugo Boss bow tie ($55); Saks Fifth Avenue, www.saksfifthavenue.com. Drew Porterfield:Armani shirt ($225) and pants ($245), Hugo Boss bow tie ($55); Saks Fifth Avenue, www.saksfifthavenue.com


Our 2011 YGL-ers

Doug Thornell
Communications Director for Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD)
Elaine Mensah
Founder & Fashion Director, SVELTE, LLC; Co-host, Fashion BS
Drew Porterfield
Curator and director, Long View Gallery
Keo Chea
Counsel, the House Financial Services Housing and Community Opportunity Subcommittee; President, the congressional Asian Pacific American Staff Association
Vinoda Basnayake
International Associate, Patton Boggs LLP; Co -Founder, Night Life Agency Inc.
Christina Sevilla
Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Small Business, Market Access, and Industrial Competitiveness, Executive Office of the President
Lindsay Kin
Program Assistant, Gender, Violence & Rights, International Center for Research on Women
Justin Young
Young Founder and Creative director, ReadySet Creative Studio LLC
Erikka Knuti
Communications Director, Health Information Center

Keo Chea: Red Valentino dress ($790); Saks Jandel, 5510 Wisconsin Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815, (301) 652-2250. Erick Son Bea Mon earrings ($345); Charm Georgetown, www.charmgeorgetown.com.

Keo Chea: Red Valentino dress ($790); Saks Jandel, 5510 Wisconsin Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815, (301) 652-2250. Erick Son Bea Mon earrings ($345); Charm Georgetown, www.charmgeorgetown.com.

Christina Sevilla & Vinoda Basnayake

Vinoda Basnayake: Zanella pants ($325), Roberto Graha M shirt ($198) and Saks Fifth Avenue jacket ($798); Saks Fifth Avenue, www.saksfifthavenue.com. Christina Sevilla: Red Valentino dress ($795); Saks Jandel, 5510 Wisconsin Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815, (301) 652-2250. Jimmy Choo shoes Saks Fifth Avenue, www.saksfifthavenue.com

Lindsay Kin: Glamnoir cheetah-print ID case ($35) and Sibilia cuff bracelet ($140); Charm Georgetown, www.charmgeorgetown.com. Nicole Miller dress ($795); Nicole Miller at Tysons

Lindsay Kin: Glamnoir cheetah-print ID case ($35) and Sibilia cuff bracelet ($140); Charm Georgetown,www.charmgeorgetown.com. Nicole Miller dress ($795); Nicole Miller at Tysons

Erikka Knuti & Justin Young

Justin Young: Armani bowtie ($135), Robert Talbott Protocol shirt, Corbin pants ($245), Versace jacket ($1,095); Saks Fifth Avenue, www.saksfifthavenue.com. Erikka Knuti:Nicole Miller dress ($1,275); Nicole Miller at Tysons Galleria, www.nicolemiller.com.Rodrigo Ota Zu necklace ($490) and gold stud earrings ($38); Charm Georgetown, www.charmgeorgetown.com. De Beers atea ring ($4,000); www.debeers.com.

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