We catch up with YGL cover issue feature Andrew Noyes and he shares some of his favorite things.
Our February issue released the much anticipated The Young & The Guest List, which features the movers and shakers in the Washington Area who are under 40. Here is a closer look at Andrew Noyes, Manager Public Policy Communications, Facebook. He answers several questions about himself from his favorite apps to where’s next on his travel destination check list.
Reading now?
My email all day, all night. The volume of email traffic at Facebook is astounding. When I’m not digging through my inbox, I’m scanning a dozen D.C. and Silicon Valley news sites. Leisure-time reading: Monocle, GQ, Esquire, Vanity Fair.
Somewhere you’ve never been, but would like to go?
Two destinations I’ve yet to explore: Istanbul and the Almalfi Coast.
On your iPod?
Scissor Sisters, Dragonette, Kylie Minogue, “This American Life” podcast
Favorite quote of the moment?
If it happens every day it is not a fire drill, it is your job
Favorite app?
Facebook for iPhone, obviously
What do you collect?
Sunglasses in the summer, scarves in the winter, and items for my to-do list year-round
Something surprising about you?
Despite taking years of piano lessons and Spanish classes, I can’t play much more than “Chopsticks” or say much more than “hola.”