Rustico Oktobeerfest celebration means brewed bliss and Alexandria’s best block party
By Christina Hubmann

Beer Steins Are Raised as the Concord Singers Practice Singing German Songs. Picture courtesy of U.S. National Archives. Photo by Flip Schulke.
Craft Beers, singing and German-inspired food will once again highlight Rustico’s Oktobeerfest celebration, returning for its 5th year on October 15. When you are not guzzling brews in your chic Lederhosen, you can also enjoy family-friendly activities, munch on sweets from Buzz Bakery, and register to win an all-expense paid, craft brewery getaway to Colorado. So invite your favorite Fräulein and take in the live music, beers and outdoors garden setting. Oh, did we mention that it’s free to attend?
The Beer
The raucous Alexandria block party offers guests more than 50 domestic and international beers which are carefully selected by Neighborhood Restaurant Group’s Beer Director Greg Engert. This guy knows beer! Sample suds from local beermakers like Port City, Lost Rhino or Flying Dog (they are bringing “The Fear Imperial Pumpkin Ale.
) Or taste famous European brews like Schneider Wiesen Edel-Weisse, Oak-Clad Gravity keg and Kräusen from Schlenkerla Smokebeer or Southern Tier Pumking, Evolution Jacques au Lantern, and The Bruery Autumn Maple. Can’t wait until late October? Guests of Rustico Ballston can enjoy the Autumn beers starting October 8 to help prepare for Oktobeerfest.
The Food
No empty stomachs please. While drinking enjoy German-inspired foods like braised pork shoulder with red cabbage, fried schnitzel and sausage sandwiches or giant pretzels with mustard and cheese sauce – all prepared by Rustico Executive Chef Steve Mannino and his team.
Rustico Oktobeerfest is located at 827 Slaters Lane, Alexandria VA 22314, 703-224-5051. The celebration is on Saturday, October 15, 12 noon to 5 PM.
The admission to the event is free.
Tickets for food and beverage are available at the door or can be purchased ahead of time at both Rustico locations. For further information and updates on the beer list, please visit