Society 2.0: This Week’s Top Tweets

by Editorial

Alicia Keys, Bono and Clinton were in D.C., Herman Cain has issues, and there is a $450 million fund to aid DC’s area start-up firms – the twitterverse responds.
By Christina Hubmann

The annual Christmas Tree Lightning in front of the Capitol. Photo by Rick Phillips.

December 1st was the day of the 89th annual National Christmas Tree Lighting. Since 1923, the United States has held a tradition of lighting a National Christmas Tree in DC. Each year organizations from each state sponsor tree decorations that are encased in a protective plastic globe to shield it from the weather.

@ELLYabsurd: oh wow on national christmas tree lightning 2011 today.

@donisatrio: New National Christmas Tree in DC to be lit (AP)

@elliegoulding: I’m in DC, performing tomorrow at the White House for the National Christmas Tree Lighting. You can watch live at

@marykbruce: Obama to light National Christmas Tree tonight. What’s up with the puny tree this year? >

@mymodernmet: Cant wait to see this! Super Secret LED Lighting Design of the National Christmas Tree Being Unveiled Today

@NorahODonnell: Pres Obama lights the National Christmas Tree on the Ellipse Thursday evening

@GreatHairGuy: Obama should light a fake National Christmas Tree … it would match his presidency …

@zbyronwolf: Still waiting for comparisons between puny Natl. Christmas tree, half the size it was, and the state of America…

@youngCasurvivor: Kermit goes to Washington, lights White House Christmas Tree – CBS News Video…

@ViciadosEmAvril: Hoje a Avril irá a National Christmas Tree Lighting, evento anual de iluminação da árvore de natal da Casa Branca, em Washington.

The Atlanta businesswoman Ginger White claimed she has been involved in a 13-year-long affair with Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. He denies it. Now he’ll decide whether to quit the presidential race within the next few days.

@BorowitzReport: BREAKING: In a sign that he is losing focus, today Herman Cain could not remember the last number of his 9-9-9 plan.

@uslife: Herman Cain is Leaving Decision to Run for President to Wife Gloria: Herman Cain says he is basing his decision …

@tliston: Kris Humphries seeks annulment to make relationship w/Kim Kardashian “unexist.” Herman Cain tells aides, “Get me some of that.”

@yogahaggis: i think herman cain should be focusing on pizzas rather than the pizz of asses might be less hasssle

@sallykohn: UPDATE: Herman Cain still likes pizza. #247talkingaboutnothing

@CamGirlJenny: Herman Cain won’t decide about continuing campaign until he talks to wife: Face-to-face conversation could take …

@shaunhainey: Herman Cain!!!!! What a joke…..! Just pack it in!!! Bro!!!! It’s over for you!!!!!

@pamnsc2: Herman Cain MUST stay in the fight!

@michaelianblack: I think it’s racist that Herman Cain tries to and/or has sex with a lot of different women.

@Cola_Cola91: I wish Herman Cain sit down somewhere

@AlbertBrooks: Herman Cain has to decide whether to pull out. Again.

@flossofer: Herman Cain says that stupid people are ruining America. Uh, think we could persuade him to emigrate?!

@KIDADYNOMITE: “Friends are forever! Everything else is a bonus.” -Herman Cain

@savory1: If I were Gloria, I would tell him that he has sold enough books and it is time to come home! via huffingtonpost

@pretti_outRAEge: Ok, so WTF is this Herman Cain dude?


@mikecasentini: Herman “I’ve never had countless relationships with accusing white republican she-devils” Cain should announce his withdrawal from the race.

@13spencer: Hey Herman Cain, I don’t know if you’re guilty, but if I were accused of big pimpin’ all over GA, I wouldn’t wear a giant hat & gold chain.

@labsmanfromPA: HERMAN CAIN needs to not let the media get to him, after all, he needs to remember what the media did to Sarah Palin and HER FAMILY

@SecondTeamRonny: Herman Cain’t keep his hands to himself.

@ZsiZsi1: Wonder if Gloria Cain will stand by Herman. #Cain

Washington entrepreneurs Ted Leonsis and Steve Case created a $450 fund to aid Washington area start-ups with the aim of rebuilding a culture in the region that once gave rise to the company that made them rich, AOL.

@maxbrown: Excellent news. MT@washingtonpost: Ted Leonsis/Steve Case put together $450 million to fund Washington area start-ups.

@SteveCase: 🙂 RT derekslater: incumbents should be afraid, very afraid. RT NYTimes: “Steve Case Raises $450 Million Venture Fund”

@Evolucionmac: Steve Case’s New Whopper Of A Fund Won’t Be Touching Silicon Valley Startups: Today Steve Case, Ted Leonsis and…

@daveeday: Ted Leonsis, Steve Case will launch a $450 million venture fund to invest in Washington, DC and East coast start-ups…

@Doorley: Like the idea of community investment. Really like it when it’s guys like SteveCase and TedLeonsis investing $450mil.…

@eyaluta: Best text of the day: “found a space in DC” ..need to get the investors lined up now..

December 1st was World Aids Day – an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV. Former President Clinton, Bono, Alicia Keys and many more are in DC for the World Aids Day event. “We are going to win this fight,” Obama said. “But the fight’s not over, not by a long shot.”

@gangbadoy: Well, one of the best ways to help the movement to stop HIV, is to NOT get HIV. World AIDS Day today, kids. Stay SAFE SAFE SAFE.

@PhillTurnerDIY:1st of December. WORLD AIDS DAY.

@Kazatchkine:This World AIDS Day let’s celebrate our gains in the fight against AIDS but also remember the millions still needing treatment + prevention

@ShelterSky: Today is world aids day.. Please educate yourself more about aids, and never see the people with it differently…spread the love….

@BeingSalmanKhan: Be an activist stand in solidarity with people living with HIV on World Aids Day 2011. Put a red ribbon on.

@angelayee: Today is World AIDS day, the theme is “Getting to Zero.” zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, zero AIDS-related deaths

@UncleRUSH: Please get tested today today is world aids day.

@bevysmith: Good Morning LOVERS, today is WORLD AIDS DAY! Remember TWITTER is YOUR platform, YOU can use it to bring awareness to this PANDEMIC!

@BreakingNews: Live video: President Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton attend panel to observe World AIDS Day – msnbc

@KimKardashian: Today is World Aids Day. Lets all fight this together so we can end this awful disease!Today lets also remember our loved ones that we lost

@pete0385: Today is world AIDS day lets all fight together to find a cure and remember to be safe & use protection.

@njv25: Let’s all fight together!! World official aids day, by simply wearing a “RUBER” we help and prevent the growth of this awful infectiona 😉

@Carol_Wolfe: Obama pledges $50M on World AIDS Day

@AnwaaKong: World AIDS Day… 1 in 20 people in DC are living with HIV… Plz go get tested… Know your status

@settleforme: World AIDS Day. <3 30 million lives lost over the past 30 years… such a depressing statistic.

@CoolKidSade: Today is World AIDS Day, marking the 30th Anniversary of the discovery of the HIV virus. Celebrate, by going to get tested and wrap it up!!

@simplyarlie: Photo: December 1 is… among others things, World AIDS Day. The Fine Art piece, “Ever Blue” appreciates…

@NileshG85: World AIDS day…guess that means the red boxers are gonna be on tonight for work…

@SuperiorSigma: World AIDS day hits very close to me with the death of my Uncle years ago and another currently witrh HIV. Protect at all times-Mayweather

@aliciakeysmedia: Bono & aliciakeys talk AIDS on Good Morning America:

@drswagh: ” Wow.. What a Perfect Forum, With the Likes of Bush, Clinton and Obama, Elizabeth from Africa, Alicia Keys .. etc.. ” On AIDS..

@wnd: It’s not them over there & us over here, this is US. This affects ALL of us. This is OUR problem, we mst address it. Alicia keys on HIV AIDS

December 1st was the World Aids Day. (Photo by Ginny)

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