Leap Day jumps to top of trending topics, ‘American Idol’ reveals Top 13 and Rush Limbaugh causes drama with sexist comments.
By Lesley Siu

The Top 13 are in, but American Idol doesn't make the cut with viewers. (AP Photo/Fox by Michael Becker)
We leaped at the chance to talk about Leap Day, February 29. With the occasion only making an appearance every four years, it was bound to jump to the most discussed topic of the week.
@SLThomas Happy Leap Day. According to 30 Rock, which is an authority on these matters: anything that happens today, didn’t.
@theabaagency Happy rainy leap year!
@AdelerJewelers Who wants an extra day in February? Wouldn’t it make more sense in June July or August? #leapyear
@unfoundation Happy #LeapDay! Our team is leaping into action today – will you join us? http://instagr.am/p/Hl-hv8kGOu/
@neiltyson The Leap Day. All because Earth takes 365 1/4 days to orbit the Sun, and we ignore the fractions ’til they add up to 1.
@NOTSportsCenter Happy Leap Day! Enjoy it while it’s here…because like a Kobe Bryant pass, it only occurs once every 4 years
@NPRNews Leaping On Leap Day With Vintage Photos http://n.pr/zwQDZV via @nprpictureshow
American Idol’s season 11 hasn’t hit a high note with viewers since the January premiere. The revelation of the Top 13 on March 1 created more complaints than compliments. Is it time for the curtain to close?
@DebraDiGiovanni Do they even win money on American Idol? Or is the prize a crappy ballad they’re forced to record?
@Zackblows American Idol seems like the longest job interview for Carnival Cruises
@McCreeryLove93 RIP American Idol. You will be missed. Love, season 10 fans everywhere.
@peoplemag SPOILER! BLOODBATH! Find out which singers made American Idol’s top 13 after the show cuts 12 contestants: http://t.co/Q8UTWNLR
@cottrelltravis Dear American Idol, Unacceptable. I want my time back. Thanks. Love, Travis
@Divian987 I already know the winner of this season of American Idol. Me. For not watching it.
Rush Limbaugh made derogatory comments about Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown law student who testified on women’s health and contraception at an unofficial hearing. The Twittersphere responds accordingly.
@edhenryTV Georgetown University President John DeGoia blasts Rush Limbaugh’s comments as “misogynistic, vitriolic.”
@theSleepTrain Thanks to all of you for your concern and input. We are currently pulling all ads with Rush Limbaugh
@bazecraze If Rush Limbaugh doesn’t change his attitude about women, someone’s gonna end up giving him a Grammy.
@kevinseccia Rush Limbaugh is what’s created when the formula that made Swamp Thing is instead poured over YouTube comments and a glazed ham.
@HuffingtonPost Stay classy, Limbaugh http://t.co/PWjscoKc