WL Insider: It’s All #Politics

by Editorial

Top 30 under-the-radar Twitter politicos to follow at conventions.

By Sarah Valerio

Political conventions in the Twittersphere.

With the Republican and Democratic national conventions getting under way over the next two weeks, they’ll be dominating news coverage. However, if you want raw, unadulterated politics, it’s best to dive straight into the belly of the beast — Twitter.

Here’s our list of the top 30 Twitter accounts from across the political spectrum to follow for all the up-to-the-minute insider news, from the convention floor and beyond.

On the Right: #GOP #TCOT

1. @JonahNRO – Jonah Goldberg, National Review Online editor-at-large

2. @EWErickson – Erick Erickson, RedState.com editor-in-chief, Erick Erickson Show host, CNN contributor

3. @FordOConnell – Ford O’Connell, CivicForumPAC chairman, political analyst who worked on McCain/Palin campaign, and winner of inaugural Reed Award for “Best Use of Twitter”

4. @guypbenson – Guy Benson, Townhall.com political editor

5. @DCGopGirl – Elizabeth Lauten, winner of CNN’s “Your Political Ticket” iReport Convention Contest, and an employee of Purple Strategies

6. @BDayspring – Brad Dayspring, YG Action Fund senior advisor

7. @byronyork – Byron York, Washington Examiner chief political correspondent and Fox News contributor

8. @AlexSchriver – Alex Schriver, College Republican National Committee chairman

9. @philipaklein – Philip Klein, Washington Examiner senior editorial writer

10. @AlexPappasDC – Alex Pappas, The Daily Caller political reporter

On the Left: #Dems #p2

1. @Kombiz – Kombiz Lavasany, progressive blogger and former DNC employee

2. @brianbeutler – Brian Beutler, Talking Points Memo reporter

3. @JoeTrippi – Joe Trippi, former campaign manager for Howard Dean

4. @EricBoehlert – Eric Boehlert, Media Matters for America senior fellow

5. @mattortega – Matt Ortega, New Partners digital director

6. @woodhouseb – Brad Woodhouse, Democratic National Committee communications director

7. @BenLaBolt – Ben LaBolt, Obama for America press secretary

8. @jehmu – Jehmu Greene, FOX News contributor and Rock the Vote former president

9. @KarlFrisch – Karl Frisch, columnist, Bullfight Strategies partner, former Media Matters for America senior fellow and DSCC staffer

10. @DonnaBrazile – Donna Brazile, Democratic strategist

In the Center (Press): #Election2012

1. @fivethirtyeight – Nate Silver, New York Times’ political blog FiveThirtyEight writer

2. @theplumlineGS – Greg Sargent, the Washington Post’s political blog The Plum Line writer

3. @BuzzFeedAndrew – Andrew Kaczynski, BuzzFeed Politics reporter

4. @jmartpolitico – Jonathan Martin, Politico reporter

5. @aburnspolitico – Alex Burns, Politico reporter

6. @daveweigel – Dave Weigel, Slate political reporter

7. @FixAaron – Aaron Blake, the Washington Post’s The Fix blog writer

8. @RealClearScott – Scott Conroy, national political reporter for both Real Clear Politics and CBS News

9. @DavidMDrucker – David Drucker, Roll Call staff writer

10. @GarrettNBCNews – Garrett Haake, NBC embed reporter following the Romney campaign

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