Society 2.0: Presidents, Pucks and Pot

by Laura

Between elections, the NHL lockout and marijuana legalization, tensions were high this week.

By Laura Wainman

The Obamas and the Bidens are back for four more years. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Guess who’s back? Barack again. After a long, often bitter, campaign season, the American people spoke and said they wanted four more years of President Barack Obama. Whether in the 50 percent of jubilant celebrators or 48 percent of mourners, tweeters had plenty to say in the wake of one of the more contentious elections in recent history.

“I love waking up in the morning and @BarackObama is President.” via Kayla R. W. @KayDubzHU

“My msg 2 GOP: Time 2 start nominating disciplined, principled, conservatives; men & women who will defeat their opponents, not themselves” via Sean Hannity @seanhannity

“The SNL writers have it pretty easy this season eh? #dianesawyerdrunk #donaldtrump #FiveThirtyEight #legalmarijuana #jokeswritethemselves” via Rachel Hruska @rachellehruska

“The message of #Election2012 is that American public wants bipartisanship. Parties that move to extremes will lose big elections. #p2 #tcot” via Liz Pullen @nwjerseyliz

“we can only hope that this many people can’t be wrong, just because I don’t agree doesn’t mean it won’t be okay #Election2012 #sadrepublican” via Emily Renton @3mily_r3nt

If there is one thing we are really missing this fall it is hockey. With the NHL and the Players Association both refusing to compromise, it looks like we may not see any ice action this year. And the fans are none too happy about the hold up.

“After seeing Fehr’s memo, I feel like there’s going to be no season. No one’s budging. Unbelievable they can’t figure this out. #NHL” via Sam Klemz @ShakyKnee

“Sad 4 fans the only reason #NHL is even meeting #NHLPA 2day was so no one can accuse them of being too stubborn 2 meet. #stillworldsapart” via Nick Kypreos @RealKyper

“Such a paradox. We want to know more, but the more we find out, the worse it is. #NHL #NHLPA” via Jesse Spector @jessespector

“The worst part of an #NHL lockout isn’t the lack of hockey… It’s the daily updates.” via Zach Cooper @Z_Cooperstown

“I love hockey and the #NHL, I’m sick of the lockout though, get it done and get on the ice or keep quiet!” via C Wahoski @christiewho

With all of the presidential excitement/woe buzzing around Tuesday evening, the legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado and Washington slipped through unnoticed. No, we kid. Very few things rile up Twitter more than the legalization debate, and considering these were the first two states to legalize marijuana beyond medicinal use, we can only imagine the reactions will continue to roll in for months.

“Guys moving to #colorado as we speak. #marijuanalegal #high #movingforward #thinkingahead” via Tabrez Yousuf ?@Tabrezy

“Going to pot literally…#coloradoareyoukiddingme #4MoreYearsOfHell #kiddingbutnotkidding #marijuanalegal” via McKay Skeen ?@skeenner

“Colorado & Washington voted to legalize recreational #marijuana use, but residents shouldn’t toke up just yet READ why:” via Current TV @current

“Denver: A new meaning to MILE-HIGH city #Amendment64 #marijuanalegal” via Evan Johnson @EvNasty11

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