Travel: Skiing at Liberty

by Erica Moody

One avid skier brought in the new year with a trip to Liberty Mountain Resort. 

By Connie Lawn


Skiing at Liberty Mountain (Photo by Charles Sneiderman)

Skiing at Liberty Mountain (Photo by Charles Sneiderman)

On a beautiful, mild Friday, I just discovered another season of skiing! I enjoyed a wonderful day at my favorite local resort – Liberty Mountain, near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. I admit that I approach the start of each ski season with fear. Skiing has been a major part of my life for over 50 years, and I have skied some of the best mountains in the world. But it has been a challenge since I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease five years ago.

Friday’s experience proved again I can ski better than I can walk or stand. I may not get beyond the green slopes, but that is good enough for me at my age! My adventure was made possible by the wonderful snow makers at Liberty, who produced good, clean snow in erratic conditions. (It may be a week or two before the climate settles down for winter). It was also made possible by my husband Charles Sneiderman, who does the driving, photography, and helps me with my clothes and ski equipment. Poor Charles!

Instructor Mike Caselle (Photo by Charles Sneiderman)

Instructor Mike Caselle (Photo by Charles Sneiderman)

A wonderful assist came from instructor Mike Caselle, who volunteers his efforts in the Adaptive programs (as do many other skilled instructors). Mike’s three objectives for his lessons are “be safe, have fun, and learn something.” He thought I might ski better with outrigger poles but after observing me ski and turn, decided I no longer need them. He gave me compliments and confidence. Mike has spent much of his life in the military, and has worked with many “warfighters in transition.” He is a highly-sought Adaptive instructor across the county and a great addition to the Blue Ridge Adaptive Snow Sports program at Liberty Mountain. He gave me invaluable tips. The Adaptive programs at all ski areas deserve full support.

Now go play in the snow!


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