Around Town: Washington Auto Show

by Erica Moody

The next-gen Chevrolet Volt and more are on display at the Washington Auto Show.

By Erica Moody 


From left: Moderator Kevin Kelly; GM Advanced Vehicle Commercialization Policy, Environment, Energy, and Safety Policy director Britta Gross; Chevy Volt executive chief engineer Pam Fletcher; and Global Battery Lifecycle Management, Global Battery Systems Engineering senior manager Pablo Valencia (Photo by Erica Moody)

Chevy Volt executive chief engineer Pam Fletcher (Photo by Erica Moody)

Chevy Volt executive chief engineer Pam Fletcher (Photo by Erica Moody)

Every year, the Washington Auto Show brings industry experts, car fanatics and those looking for their next set of wheels out to the Walter E. Washington Convention Center to ogle hundreds of the latest offers in auto design and technology.

This year’s show boasts over 700 vehicles by 42 manufacturers. We kicked off the festivities with a GM panel discussion on the “Next Generation” Chevrolet Volt, the number one selling electric plug-in vehicle in the marketplace.

GM executives and engineers spoke at a panel attended by media and Volt owners. “There’s no good reason why half of Americans aren’t in these vehicles,” said GM’s Britta Gross, emphasizing the fuel savings and convenient plug-in options. Of those who own Volts, 60% of charging is done at home. “Our real objective is to get pricing down…to attract the next wave of mainstream buyers.”


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The next-generation Chevy Volt at the 2015 Washington Auto Show (Photo by Erica Moody)

Chevy Volt executive chief engineer Pam Fletcher said even the little things had been improved with the new model. “In the console, there’s a little slot perfectly sized for my phone.”

The Volt’s not the only electric/hybrid vehicle you can find at the Convention Center. In fact, the show seems extra earth-friendly this year, with three Green Car Awards announced by Green Car Journal, and plenty to look at, including luxury electric car, the BMW i3, the Volkswagon e-Golf and, of course, the Toyota Prius.

The show opens to the public on Friday, January 23, and runs through Sunday, February 1.




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