Features: 2015 YGL

by Laura

The coveted Young and the Guest List is out. Find out if you’re on the list. 


300+ movers and shakers 40-and-under. (Designed by Matt Rippetoe)

It’s hard to believe it has been 10 years since the inaugural edition of our Young and the Guest List. When we first published this feature in 2006, we urged readers not to mistake “young” for “green” as those we included were on the cutting edge of our capital city’s revitalization. The same holds true for our 2015 YGL class. Though Washington has grown and changed in innumerable ways in the last decade, these accomplished men and women remain the names behind the tremendous changes here.

These professionals from numerous fields and political persuasions are stealing headlines and helping make the world a better place. Our cover stars, Rep.Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) and Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-Wash.), have reached across party lines to pass legislation helping veterans and small business owners respectively.You’ll also meet the Ebola Task Force specialist who led a burial team in Liberia and the House Foreign Affairs Committee staffer who convinces members to set aside politics and create true diplomacy across the globe.

We are constantly asked about the requirements for making it onto the YGL list, and even more often how we choose those who are featured in the accompanying photographs. The process is a little different each year, but in 2015 there was one defining characteristic among those whom we selected: personality. This group has it in spades. You’ll read our favorite behind-the-scenes tidbits, accompanied by portraits taken by principal photographer Tony Powell. See the full feature below.

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