Fashionable Life: LOFT and Georgetown University Style Women for the Workforce

by Aaron Royce

Georgetown University’s eighth annual LOFT Workshop helps graduates dress for success.

Interview outfits are important, but for some they are more luxury than necessity. Students spend their money on tuition, books and groceries -so oftentimes investing in a workplace wardrobe is the last thing on their minds. The Georgetown University Scholarship Program (GSP) aims to help in that department with its annual LOFT Styling Workshop, which was hosted at the brand’s Wisconsin Avenue location earlier this month. More than 100 female Georgetown seniors from financially-difficult backgrounds were invited to the eighth GSP event, where they learned styling tips for workplace dressing and received LOFT gift cards to implement them.

Photo courtesy.

Students in attendance listened to advice on how to ‘dress for success’ as they embark on careers post-graduation. “You can build a versatile wardrobe by choosing neutral professional pieces,” says LOFT’s Style Director Amanda Kraemer. “This allows you to easily mix patterns and prints, and after your wardrobe is stocked you can add personality to it.”

LOFT’s Wisconsin Avenue location hosted the eighth annual GSP Workshop last week. Photo courtesy.

The Workshop proved to be more than just a fashion event with its emphasis on community and confidence building. “I felt like I was in a fashion show every time I tried something on, but it was most gratifying to be surrounded by so many women who see you, are proud of your accomplishments, and root for your success,” said student Jazmin Pruitt. “My experience was quite overwhelming and heartwarming, to say the least.”

Georgetown students shopped at LOFT’s eighth annual event with the GSP. Photo courtesy.

The honesty of stylists and peers at the LOFT Workshop was also appreciated. “I truly enjoyed being at an event where everyone was so kind, and if something looked or didn’t look great, there was always someone there to help,” said Georgetown senior Linda Collado. “I don’t think I’ve ever been in an environment where all women support each other as much as this.”

After learning styling tips, Georgetown students shopped for workplace attire. Photo courtesy.

Female encouragement at the Workshop was the overwhelming student takeaway. “I loved seeing the smiles on my peers’ faces from being so well-cared for by the LOFT stylists,” says Beatrice Hociota, who will be working for Ernst & Young post-graduation. “It was incredible to hear women encourage one another and pour out so much confidence and kindness in a society that doesn’t do that much anymore.”

Photo courtesy.

Aside from the clothing and advice gained, GSP hopes the women attending will feel supported moving forward. “We work with these young women every day and know the potential they have to change the world,” says GSP’s Assistant Director, Mariana Gonzalez. “Our ladies walk away knowing that people believe in them and are cheering them on.”

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