Northern Virginia Therapeutic Riding Program’s “Ride to Thrive” Polo Classic | September 26, 2020 | Sherrie Beckstead and Will Thomas | Photographed at Palazzo Della Felicita/TTR Sotheby’s International Realty
09/10- 09/23 (VIRTUAL) – D.C. Shorts International Film Festival
The Cause: One of the largest collections of short films in the U.S.A, the festival provides opportunities for filmmakers of every skill level to explore and learn their craft.
Details: Viewable on dcshorts.com; $12 per showcase (90 min.) of 6-7 short films; all-access pass $75.
Highlight: The two-week festival showcases more than 150 short films, a filmmaker awards show via Zoom on Sept. 13 at 2:00 p.m., live filmmaker workshops and pre-recorded filmmaker talkbacks.
09/10 (VIRTUAL) – Prevent Cancer Foundation’s ‘The Kingdom of the Netherlands’ Gala
Event Chairs: Tim Day and Ted and Susan Okon (gala), Bruce Harris and Jennifer Griffin (dinner committee)
The Cause: The non-profit organization is dedicated to the prevention and early detection of cancer.
Details: Livestream; 8:00 p.m.; free, sponsorships start at $2,000; contact Lorelei Mitrani, (703) 519-2102, Lorelei.Mitrani@preventcancer.org.
Highlight: The virtual evening will include a toast to the Ambassador of the Netherlands; performances by actors, singers and musicians; and a live auction and raffle.
09/12 (VIRTUAL) – Cheers to 15 Years: An AfterDark @THEARC Celebration
Event Chairs: Lisa and Chris Smith; Judy and John Ritz
The Cause: The event supports THEARC’s collaborations with partner organizations that allow for access to high quality educational, health, cultural, recreation and social service programs.
Details: Stream on social media and website; 6 p.m.; free; sponsorships start at $1,000; contact Beth Sadler, Bsadler@thearcdc.org.
Highlight: The 15th anniversary celebration will include stories from alumni, remarks from special guests and reflections on community support during the pandemic.
09/12- 10/18 (VIRTUAL) – Community of Hope’s ‘Nights of Hope’
Details: Thursdays to Sundays, from 7:00 p.m. or 8:00 p.m; contact development@cohdc.org or call 202.407.7780.
Highlight: Virtual dinner parties where guests dine on dinners delivered by local, minority-owned caterers; with interactive presentations via video.
09/14 (VIRTUAL) – José Andrés and Patricia Fernández de la Cruz
The Cause: The annual gala is the Folger Shakespeare Library’s largest and most significant fundraiser of the year, providing support to the Folger and its impact on transforming education and creating educational experiences.
Details: Livestream; 7:00 p.m.
09/22 (MODIFIED) – Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens’ “No Gala” Gala
The Cause: The museum shares the late Marjorie Merriweather Post’s cultural legacy with the public.
In Lieu of a Gala: “Tickets” for the 2020 non-event fundraiser are $500, sponsorships start at $1,000; contact Allison Kingery, akingery@hillwoodmuseum.org.
09/24 (VIRTUAL) – Washington Women in Journalism Awards
The Cause: Honorees at the event include CBS’ Rita Braver, NBC’s Kristen Welker, TIME’s Molly Ball and POLITICO’s Anna Palmer. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the National Association of Black Journalists who has advocated on
behalf of and supported black journalists worldwide since 1975.
Details: Virtual; 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.; contact vip@washingtonian.com.
09/25 (VIRTUAL) – The Phillips Collection Gala
The Cause: Proceeds benefit The PhillipsCollection’s innovative art education programs that impact thousands of
students, families, adults, and teachers in Washington, D.C. and across the country.
Highlight: As this year’s diplomatic partner is the Embassy of Singapore, guests will receive a “Gala in a Box,” filled with Singapore-inspired food, wine, and other culinary treats.
Details: Tickets start at $1,500; register at phillips.swoogo.com/virtualgala2020/sponsor.
09/26 (VIRTUAL) – A Wider Circle’s Community Ball
The Cause: Programs and services are aimed at ending poverty including workforce development, wraparound support and neighborhood revitalization.
Details: Virtual; 7:00 p.m.; sponsorships start at $1,000; contact CommunityBall@awidercircle.org.
Highlight: Mayor Muriel Bowser will be recognized as a leader in the movement to end poverty.
09/26 (VIRTUAL) – Joan Hisaoka “Make a Difference” Gala
The Cause: The 13 annual gala will dedicate 65 percent of its proceeds to Life With Cancer, the educational, informative, and emotional support program of the Inova Schar Cancer Institute. Life with Cancer provides support for cancer patients and their loved ones. Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, the only independent cancer support center based in Washington D.C., will receive 35 percent of all proceeds.
Details: Virtual; 7:00 p.m.; contact Susan Hubert, (202) 689-1917, hubert@slslaw.com.
09/26 – Northern Virginia Therapeutic Riding Program’s “Ride to Thrive” Polo Classic
Event Chairs: Sherrie Beckstead and Will Thomas
The Cause: Northern Virginia Therapeutic Riding Program is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities through equine-assisted activities.
Details: Great Meadow, The Plains, Va.; gates open at 1:00 p.m.; match 3:00 p.m.; summer chic; limited VIP tickets available; sponsorships start at $2,500; visit nvtrp.org/polo-classic or contact Tessa Hassett, (703) 764-0269, polo@nvtrp.org.
09/26 (MODIFIED) – National Symphony Orchestra Season Opening Gala Concert
The Cause: Donations support the NSO’s educational and community engagement programs.
In Lieu of Gala: While the opening gala concert will not be held, the NSO is launching the NSO@90 Fund in honor of its 90th anniversary season to celebrate the milestone and sustain the orchestra as musicians play from their homes. To support the NSO@90 Fund and for more information about sponsorships and benefits, contact the development team at (202) 416-8863, NSOCircles@kennedy-center.org.
09/30 (VIRTUAL) – National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Ambassadors Ball
Event Chairs: European Union Amb. Stavros Lambrinidis and Phoebe Kapouano (Honorary)
The Cause: The event celebrates the International Progressive MS Alliance’s work to end progressive MS by bringing together the world’s top neuroscientists. Proceeds support the treatment, research and other programs for patients and families affected by the disease.
Details: Virtual; 7:00 p.m.; register at ambassadorsballMS.org to receive a link to attend; sponsorships start at $5,000; contact Amanda Snellings, (202) 375-5620, Amanda.Snellings@nmss.org.
Highlight: Online international auction with donated items confirmed from the embassies of Italy, Afghanistan, Estonia, Kazakhstan and others.

The Phillips Collection Gala | September 25, 2020 | Singaporean Ambassador Ashok Mirpuri and Gouri Mirpur,Julie Garcia and Dorothy Kosinski | Photographed at the “Moira Dryer: Back in Business Exhibit” at the Phillips Collection
(VIRTUAL SERIES) – March of Dimes’ Heroines of Washington
Event Chairs: Judy Bjornaas and Jennifer Felix
The Cause: A series of free-flowing panel discussions featuring former Heroine Award recipients from the past 20 years commenting on the issues facing various industries today, to benefit the organization’s work of improving the health of babies.
Details: Virtual kickoff October 8; other October dates still TBD; Free; contact Bevan Bello, bbello@marchofdimes.org.
10/01 (VIRTUAL) – Halcyon Homecoming
The Cause: Featuring talented and successful Halcyon Fellows from both the Halcyon Incubator and Halcyon Arts Lab, this fundraiser is intended to drive support for Halcyon’s fellowship programs and continue the work of lifting up innovators and creators.
Details: Virtual; 7:00 p.m.; free and open to the public; optional tickets $250; sponsorships start at $1,500; for sponsorship details contact Samantha Abrams: s.abrams@halcyonhouse.org; for more information contact David Corson at d.corson@halcyonhouse.org.
Highlight: Each ticket includes two catered meals delivered to your home.
10/03 (VIRTUAL) — Capital Caring’s “Passion For Caring” Gala
Event Chairs: Dr. John Whyte and Alisa Valudes Whyte
The Cause: The virtual celebration will honor local healthcare and community heroes making a significant impact during the Covid-19 crisis, and social justice warriors fighting for racial equality.
Details: Virtual; 7:00 p.m.; free; virtual ticket donation $250; sponsorships start at $5,000; contact Katie Tran-Lam,
10/03 (VIRTUAL) — Shakespeare Theatre Company Gala
The Cause: This event helps fund the Shakespeare Theatre Company’s arts education and community engagement
Details: Live online; 7:00 p.m.; free and open to all; sponsorships start at $1,000; contact Mara Mignogna, GalaSTC@shakespearetheatre.org.
Highlight: Experience classical theater, tender poetry and inspiring stories from an international lineup of celebrities, singers and families in a performance directed by LeeAnet Noble and Alan Paul.
10/05- 10/09 (VIRTUAL) — Five Days with Lombardi
The Cause: This event will offer a variety of virtual programming focused on education, community and fun while
celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. All proceeds will help
support ongoing cancer research as well as Covid-19 research projects being conducted by scientists at the center.
Details: Visit lombardi.georgetown.edu/5days.
10/06 (VIRTUAL) — Boys & Girls Club National Youth of the Year Celebration
The Cause: BGCA helps teens accomplish their personal and academic goals and dreams through its afterschool and
mentorship programs.
Details: Virtual; 7:00 pm; visit nyoy.bgca.org; contact Carlyle Neyazi, (202) 507-6699, CNeyazi@bgca.org.
10/15- 10/18 (VIRTUAL, PLUS OUTDOOR SCREENINGS ) — Middleburg Film Festival
Details: Updated page: middleburgfilm.org/middleburg-film-festival-2020-update.
10/15 (VIRTUAL) — Smithsonian Food History Gala
The Cause: The gala support the ongoing research and programs of the Smithsonian’s food history exhibitions.
Details: Virtual; 6:30 p.m.; free to the public; sponsorships start at $300; contact Kari Fantasia, (202) 633-3302, FantasiaKa@si.edu.
Highlight: This year’s theme is “Food Futures: Striving for Justice.” Danielle Nierenberg, president of Food Think
Tank, will receive the 2020 Julia Child Award.
10/17 — Rock Creek Conservancy Gala
Event Chairs: David DeSantis and Tanya Mayorkas
The Cause: Rock Creek Conservancy’s mission is to restore and protect Rock Creek and its parklands as a natural oasis
for the community.
Details: Carter Barron Amphitheater (outdoor venue); $300; sponsorships start at $1,500; contact gala@rockcreekconservancy.org.
Highlight: Whether attending in person or virtually, ticket holders can enjoy a “Gala to Go” picnic via contactless
curbside pickup.
Event Chairs: Jane Cafritz; Susan and Frank Dunlevy; Tony Podesta
The Cause: The new organization is dedicated to local emerging artists. All proceeds benefit STABLE’s operations,
exhibitions and public programs.
Details: Virtual; 6:30 p.m.; “waist up wild” dress code; $30; sponsorships start at $150; tickets eventbrite.com.
Highlights: Emcee Paul Wharton will introduce musical performances by Mumu Fresh and Crush Funk. Mentalist
Alain Nu will perform illusions.
10/24 (VIRTUAL) – Fair Chance Butterfly Bash
Event Chairs: Kelvin Coleman and Elizabeth Engel
The Cause: The bash supports non-profit organizations that work with over 80,000 children from low-income families in the nation’s capital.
Details: Virtual; details TBD; free; sponsorships start at $2,500 with opportunities to host or attend a small
watch party; contact Neel Saxena, nsaxena@fairchancedc.org.
Highlight: The evening will incorporate a virtual bartender and DJ.
10/24 (VIRTUAL) – Colorectal Cancer Alliance’s “Blue Hope Bash: One Need, One Night, One Nation”
The Cause: The Colorectal Cancer Alliance seeks to end colorectal cancer in our lifetime through its research,
prevention and patient support programs.
Details: Virtual; ticket information TBA; visit www.bluehopebash.org or contact Maurisa Potts, maurisa@spottedmp.org or bluehopebash@ccalliance.org.
Highlight: The emcee of the event, which will also include live broadcasts and at-home viewing parties, is “Today
Show” co-host Craig Melvin.
10/25 (VIRTUAL) – Thurgood Marshall College Fund Awards Gala
The Cause: The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) is the nation’s largest organization exclusively representing publicly-supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly Black Institutions. Through scholarships, capacity building and research initiatives, innovative programs and strategic partnerships, TMCF is a vital resource in the K-12 and higher education space.
Details: Visit www.tmcf.org or contact Tamaria Perry at tamaria.perry@tmcf.org.
Highlight: The online fundraiser called #RISE: HC2K20 Concert will be hosted by actor and TMCF National Ambassador, Terrence J. and will resemble a virtual Homecoming, with musical performances, HBCU Yard Rollcall and celebrity appearances.
10/29 (VIRTUAL) – College Success Foundation – DC’s Breakfast Fundraiser
Details: 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m.; contact events@dccollegesuccessfoundation.org.
10/29 (VIRTUAL) – Humane Rescue Alliance’s Bark Ball
The Cause: Humane Rescue Alliance, Washington, the District’s only animal welfare organization that supports the local community.
Details: Virtual; 6:30 p.m. ‘Yappy Hour,’ 7:00 p.m,. Live Stream Program; sponsorships start at $1,000; contact Emily Miller, (202) 308-9782, emiller@humanerescuealliance.org.
10/29 – Alliance Française of Washington’s Spring Gala
The Cause: Proceeds support the organization’s cultural programs of bringing high-quality events and artists from France and the francophone world to Washington, D.C.
Details: TBD
10/31 (VIRTUAL) – National Italian American Foundation Gala
The Cause: The 45th annual event is dedicated to preserving, promoting and protecting Italian American heritage.
Details: Virtual; 6:30 p.m. Pre-Show; 7:00 p.m. Live Event; free to NIAF members at the sustaining level and to new members; sponsorships start at $2,500; contact information@niaf.org.
Highlight: The gala will feature a range of special guests, including Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Maria Bartiromo, and Mary Ann Esposito.
10/31 (VIRTUAL) – Government Executive Media Group’s Government Hall of Fame Gala
The Cause: The Theodore Roosevelt Government Leadership Awards (The Teddies) honor a field of distinguished federal officials and industry leaders for outstanding achievement in delivering on the government’s promise to serve the American people.
Details: Contact Liz Stein, lstein@atlanticmedia.com, (240) 461-3053; in-person gala postponed to Spring 2021 (date TBD)

Hillwood Estate, Museum & Garden’s ‘No Gala’ Gala | September 22, 2020 | Kate Markert and Mark Lowham | Photographed at Hillwood
11/06 (VIRTUAL) – Inova Honors Dinner
Event Chairs: Alex and Liz Smith
The Cause: An evening with the Inova Stars to recognize outstanding teams of healthcare professionals and clinicians serving our community.
Details: Virtual; $150; sponsorships start at $2,500; contact specialevents@inova.org.
Highlight: Special guest hosts include Washington Football Team quarterback Alex Smith and broadcast journalist Angie Goff.
11/12 (VIRTUAL) – March of Dimes’ Signature Chefs Auction
The Cause: Proceeds support research, funding, and advocacy programs sponsored by the March of Dimes Foundation.
Details: Virtual; sponsorships start at $5,000; contact Kate Leib, (571) 257-2309, kleib@marchofdimes.org.
11/14 (VIRTUAL) – Adoptions Together’s “Taste in the Potomac”
The Cause: The event gathers community members to raise awareness and funding for children in foster care.
Details: Bethesda North Marriott Hotel; 6:30 p.m.; young professional tickets $175; sponsorships start at $800; contact Drew Hayden, dhayden@adoptionstogether.org.
Highlight: Guests will enjoy an evening of auction prizes and fare from Potomac area restaurants.
11/21 (VIRTUAL) – S.O.M.E. (So Others Might Eat) Gala
Event Chairs: Thomas J. Donohue (gala) and Suzanne P. Clark (silent auction)
The Cause: S.O.M.E. celebrates 50 years of service to those experiencing poverty and homelessness in the District. Proceeds support affordable housing programs for homeless and low income families.
Details: Virtual; 7:00 p.m.; $500; sponsorships start at $5,000; contact Ingrid Feigenbaum, ifeigenbaum@some.org.
Highlight: Catered meals and gala programs will be delivered to all ticketed guests who reside in the Washington, D.C. area. The Fr. Horace McKenna Humanitarian of the Year Award will be awarded to Father John Adams, president emeritus of S.O.M.E. for more than 40 years.
12/01 (VIRTUAL) – International Women’s Media Foundation’s Courage in Journalism Awards Dinner
The Cause: IWMF leads efforts that support, protect and recognize female journalists who risk their lives to bring vital stories that would otherwise go unreported.
Details: Virtual; 5:30 p.m.; sponsorships start at $1,000; contact Kaitlin Garthwaite, (609) 969-0709, kgarthwaite@inezevents.com.
Highlight: The event will be hosted by CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.
12/02 – The Washington Business Hall of Fame Gala
Event Chair: David Straut
The Cause: The event benefits Junior Achievement of Greater Washington’s work to prepare the next generation of leaders to be future ready.
Details: Town Hall Event and Induction Ceremony; virtual; contact Sofia Morales, sofia.morales@ja.org.
12/05- 12/06 – Metrocooking DC
The Cause: The two-day culinary event includes cooking demonstrations and workshops, celebrity chef book signings, local restaurant tastings and exhibitions from a variety of food-related vendors.
Details: Walter E. Washington Convention Center; sponsorships start at $2,500.

Meridian Ball | October 23, 2020 | Richard Jonas and Katherine Vernot-Jonas; Mary and John Walsh | Photographed at the Meridian International Center
01/07 (VIRTUAL) – Washington Winter Show Preview Night
The Cause: This antiques and fine art show raises funds for local charities that help at-risk children and families.
Details: Virtual; 6:00 p.m.; details to follow.
01/16 – Russian Ball
Event Chairs: Irina and Paul du Quenoy
The Cause: Washington D.C.’s premier social affair to celebrate the Russian émigré community and its causes; held annually.
Details: Downtown social club; sponsorships start at $550.
01/20 – Academy of United States Veterans Foundation Inaugural Ball
The Cause: Leaders from across industries will celebrate the peaceful transfer of power in a spirit of bipartisanship and unity. The Inaugural Ball will benefit the COVID-19 Recovery Project, which financially assists veterans who have lost crucial income due to the pandemic.
Details: Location will be announced to confirmed guests; $1,000; sponsorship starts at $20,000; visit ausvfoundation.org.
Highlight: VIP guests will be feted at a champagne dinner honoring veterans and service men and women in recognition of their tireless dedication to protect and defend our nation.
02/09 – International Student House of Washington’s Global Leadership Awards Dinner
Event Chairs: Jim and Janet Blanchard; Lisa Barry and James Gale; Amb. of Portugal Domingos Fezas Vital and Isabel Vital
The Cause: A residential experience is provided to to a diverse international community of graduate students, interns and visiting scholars to foster global citizenship.
Details: For tickets and sponsorship, contact Jill Holcomb at jholcomb@ishdc.org; www.ishdc.org
Highlight: Former Rep. and U.S. Ambassador Don Beyer and Megan Beyer will receive the Global Leadership Award; Robert Abernethy will receive the Global Educator Award.
02/22 – J Street National Gala
The Cause: The pro-Israel, pro-peace group organizes and mobilizes Americans who wish Israel to be secure and democratic.
Details: Omni Shoreham Hotel; $300; sponsorships start at $1,800; contact info@jstreet.org
MARCH 2021
03/06 – A Vintage Affair
The Cause: Proceeds support The Board of Visitors of Children’s National’s Annual Grants and Major Gift Program that help doctors, nurses and staff develop and sustain cutting-edge research, innovations, treatments and programs to serve the children treated at this world-class institution.
Details: A virtual wine-tasting experience.
03/07 – Kennedy Center Honors
Details: The show will air at a later date on CBS.
03/11 – National Cancer Research Foundation’s Daffodils & Diamonds Luncheon and Fashion Show
The Cause: The National Cancer Research Foundation funds “high risk, high reward” research with a singular focus on curing cancer.
Details: Columbia Country Club; contact Brian Wachtel, BWachtel@nfcr.org.
03/27 (HYBRID) – National Kidney Foundation’s Kidney Ball
The Cause: The event raises funds for the treatment and prevention of Kidney Disease, as well as research grants.
Details: The Anthem; some virtual components; details TBA.
Highlight: Cocktail reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres and desserts; entertainment by The Reagan Years for an 80s dance party theme.
03/27 – Catholic Charities Gala
The Cause: The event raises funds for their 59 different programs, which serve over 143,000 people a year from across the DMV area.
Details: 6:30 p.m.; for more information, please visit www.catholiccharitiesdc.org/gala or contact Kimani Superville, (202) 772-4331, kimani.superville@cc-dc.org.

Children’s Ball | April 17, 2021 | Amy Baier | Photographed at Children’s Hospital’s Healing Garden
APRIL 2021
04/03 – The Orchestra of the Americas Awards Gala
The Cause: The gala supports The orchestra’s Group’s Musician Fellowship Fund, which provides underwriting for 80 exceptional rising musicians from across the Americas to participate in a life-changing international residency and concert tour of the Orchestra of the Americas.
Details: The Four Seasons Hotel; 6:30 p.m.; cocktail attire; $450; sponsorships start at $1,000; contact gala@theoagroup.org; visit theoagroup.org.
Highlight: Event includes silent and live auction of special vacation homes, exclusive dinner experiences, wine packages, one-of-a-kind jewelry and more. Fashion icon Carolina Herrera will be recognized with the group’s Global Leadership prize.
04/16 (MODIFIED) – Meridian Diplomacy Dinners
Event Chairs: Katherine Vernot-Jonas and Richard Jonas; Mary and John Walsh
The Cause: The Meridian Ball supports Meridian International Center, a non-partisan diplomatic entity that strengthens engagement between the U.S. and the world by developing and connecting global leaders through culture and collaboration.
In Lieu of Gala: Postponed from Fall 2020; rather than the traditional Meridian Ball, there will be Ambassador-hosted, intimate in-person dinners; $1,000; sponsorships start at $5,000; contact Silbi Stainton, (202) 939-5892, sstainton@meridian.org.
04/16 – National Museum of Women in the Arts Spring Gala
Event Chair: Ashley Davis
The Cause: Proceeds from the event support the museum’s special exhibitions, educational programs, and public engagement initiatives.
Details: National Museum of Women in the Arts; 6:30 p.m.; black-tie; $1,500; sponsorships start at $15,000; contact
Fiona McNally (202) 266-2815, fmcnally@nmwa.org.
04/17 – Children’s Ball
Executive Committee: Amy Baier, Brigg Bunker, Marcy Cohen, Jean-Marie Fernandez, Mae Grennan, Cindy Jones, Thomas Lloyd and Carrie Marriott
The Cause: The event builds critical support for the mission of Children’s National including medical care, research and advocacy for children and will feature a special performance by Sheryl Crow.
Details: The Anthem and District Pier; 6:00 p.m.; black-tie; sponsorships start at $15,000; contact Jen Fleming (301) 565-8530, JBFleming2@childrensnational.org.
04/17 – Dancing After Dark
Event Chairs: Rob Barcellona and Katharine Hayes
The Cause: The young professionals event, including a live performance by Sheryl Crow, builds critical support for the mission of Children’s National including medical care, research and advocacy for children.
Details: The Anthem and District Pier; 8 p.m.; cocktail attire; $150; sponsorships start at $500; contact Jen Fleming (301) 565-8530, JBFleming2@childrensnational.org.
MAY 2021
TBD – Imagination Stage Gala
Event Chairs: Jessica Bolger, Candice Tolliver Burns, Giinger Huang Dietrich and Tiffany Rose
The Cause: In the wake of disrupted school schedules and unexpected changes for children, proceeds from the gala benefit Imagination Stage’s theatre and arts education programs.
Details: TBD; sponsorships start at $1,000; contact Chelsey Christensen, CChristensen@imaginationstage.org.
05/13 –White Hat Gala
Event Chair: John Martinez
The Cause: The cybersecurity community’s signature biennial fundraiser benefiting patients at Children’s National.
Details: International Spy Museum; 7 p.m.; black- tie optional; $500; sponsorships start at $2,500; contact Melanie McCarty (301) 565-4266, MMcCarty@childrensnational.org.
05/14 – Academy of United States Veterans Foundation’s Veterans Awards (Vettys) Gala
The Cause: The Academy of United States Veterans Foundation is a non-profit organization promoting and recognizing veterans’ projects.
Details: Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium; $75 (early bird); sponsorships start at $3,000 (early bird).
Highlight: Gen. David H. Petraeus will deliver the keynote speech.

Washington Ballet Gala | June 4, 2021 | Murrell Smith and Dr. Luanne Adams; Lisa Barry and James Gale | Photographed at a Private Residence
JUNE 2021
06/04 – The Washington Ballet Gala
Event Chairs: Dr. Luanne Adams and Murrell Smith; Lisa Barry and James Gale
The Cause: The evening supports arts and education programs and productions of The Washington Ballet.
Details: Tickets $1,000; sponsorships start at $2,500. Contact Mary Bounds at mbounds@washingtonballet.org
Highlight: With a black and white theme inspired by Swan Lake, the Ballet will host private dinners at local VIP locations followed by socially-distant gatherings with live performances.
06/08 – Ocean Awards Gala
Event Chairs: Carla Seebald and Lisa Henschel
The Cause: The 18th annual event benefits the marine sanctuaries by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation during Capitol Hill Ocean Week, with a focus on diversity, equity and inclusion in ocean and Great Lakes conservation.
Details: Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center; Tickets $300; sponsorships start at $5,000.
06/13 – Legends and Dreams: Children’s Chorus of Washington Turns 25
Event Chairs: Peggy Irving and Lisa Vandenburgh
The Cause: The Children’s Chorus of Washington provides choral music experience for young people through its educational programs, performance opportunities and community partnerships. The 25th anniversary gala will premiere a new commission with lyrics based on texts by esteemed local writers.
Details: 6:00 p.m.; cocktail attire; contact Betsy Bates, bbates@childrenschorusdc.org.
Highlight: The performance will include a special commission by Dominick DiOrio with lyrics by District natives
Eloise Greenfield and Elizabeth Alexander, as well as a performance by alumni from the past 25 years.
06/20 – Mark Twain Prize For American Humor
The Cause: Stars of the entertainment world gather to honor the world’s greatest humorists.
Details: Postponed from fall 2020
Highlight: The taped broadcast be will aired later on PBS.
(VIRTUAL) – Teach For America’s ‘Leadership Changing Lives’ Gala
September 2021
09/05 – American Veterans Ball
The Cause: The goal of the event is to connect past and present military professionals to the future leaders of America.
Details: MGM Hotel & Casino; 6:00 p.m.; $150; sponsorships start at $2,500; semi-formal; contact Ozzy Ramos, (540) 288-7100, avb@americanveteransball.org.
TBD 2021
Wolf Trap’s 50th Anniversary Ball
The Cause: Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts, a non-profit organization that provides arts and education programs to nearly 500,000 people of all ages locally and across the country every year.
Details: TBD; contact events@wolftrap.org.