Rachel Wims has proven that she is amongst the best and the brightest of her generation.
By Adoria Doucette
Rachel Wims is a standout student, athlete and citizen. Currently a junior at Our Lady of Good Counsel, Ms. Wims has demonstrated an almost unprecedented devotion to global community service and personal excellence. This passion for service was undoubtedly instilled in her by her parents Michelle and Greg Wims, as Mr. Wims has been a high profile community leader for decades.
As Youth Ambassador for the Victims Rights Foundation, over the past 24 months Rachel has personally led humanitarian missions to Kenya and Ecuador. In Kogelo, Kenya Rachel presented funds that she had raised for the Science and Math Buildings at the Barack Obama Secondary School. She also presented funds for a scholarship for “Best Boy” and “Best Girl” at the school. In honor of her work to establish the scholarships and Math and Science Buildings, the administrators and elders of the school named the buildings after Rachel, forever cementing her contribution to the local education efforts in Kogelo. In Quito, Ecuador Rachel conducted many hours of volunteer work both with sick children and disabled police officers. Rachel also donated one month of rice and sugar to the hospital.
For her outstanding accomplishments Rachel was able to personally brief President Obama on her humanitarian missions, where she informed him that she had met with his paternal Grandmother in Kenya and the success of the humanitarian efforts of the Victims Rights Foundation in Ecuador.
Power Source salutes Rachel Wims for her dedication to contributing all that she has been blessed with to less fortunate communities locally and around the world. Rachel is manager of the track team at Our Lady of Good Counsel, she has led blanket distribution drives for the homeless in the DMV area, she is an active member of the NAACP and National Council of Negro Women, and she is currently participating in the Rotary International Youth Leadership Program.
As the world becomes more connected and hundreds of millions of young people from all backgrounds begin to establish new cultural norms, Rachel Wims is setting a strong example of what is great about America. As she completes her high school education and prepares for the next chapter in her life, Power Source commends her success thus far, as it is obviously only the beginning of an illustrious and purposeful existence both in her local community and around the world.
Here is a poem written by a young girl that is a benefactor of Rachel’s philanthropy:
A special smile
A special face
A special Rachel
I cant replace
I love you
And I always will
You filled a space
That no one can fill
You are just of our age
But doing great things
You have made us
Be in a classroom
You are wonderful
You are beautiful
We truly appreciate
Sonia Eve – Student, Barack Obama Secondary School. Kogela, Kenya