Feeling nostalgic? Celebrate German-American heritage at the museum dedicated to just that.
By Christina Hubmann
Since the German-American Heritage Foundation opened the first national museum dedicated to the German-American history in March 2011, learning about this combined ancestry has never been easier. The museum features many exhibitions helping to introduce German-American influence to the U.S.
The museum currently offers an exhibit about Rolf Kauka’s Fix & Foxi – Creating a Comic Universe. Fix & Foxi is one of the the most successful and best known German comic series. The exhibit illuminates that many of the American cartoon characters we know and love have their roots in the work of German cartoonists who came here in the 19th century.
The Foundation serves as the only national membership organization through which Americans, proud of their German heritage and language, can work together on essential demands of common concern.
The exhibit is open until November 11, 2011 at German-American Heritage Museum of the USA, 719 6th Street NW Washington, DC 20001.