techArts – A Spooky Union

by Public User Archive

wlsponsoredbox_v2DC’s Creative and Technology communities – coming together for a first time in mass to meet, find collaborators and show off their skills. If you push pixels, sling code, trickle paint, create content or belt out beats this is for you. Okay even if you don’t do that stuff – if you’re kinda awesome this is where you want to be.

Halloween is the best holiday on Earth, so we’re going to steal an undisclosed location for 1,000+ people to get spooky-creative in on Saturday, October 31st from 9pm until we run out of dry ice. Don’t come to get wasted – come to get inspired – but um…there will be plenty of drinks at the open bar for sure.

Consider techARTS a human mashup experiment. We’re going to provide the venue, music (submit & vote for performers here) and blank slate for you to do the following:

* Meet the brightest minds in tech and the arts in the region
* Express your passion with opportunities to pimp your work
* Find collaborators for the stuff you want to bring to life
* Party like it’s 1999 1989


Date: October 31, 2009

Time: 9 p.m.

Location: Undisclosed

Attire: Costumes!

Ticket/Pricing Information:


Sponsorships available

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